Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Not Exactly The Plan

   As usual, Mark and I headed to the pier just about daylight.  We had high hopes of catching a few fish for our lunch and to also use as crab bait.  That was the plan...it just did not happen.  He was throwing the net to catch menhaden or little mullet to use as bait when, all of a sudden, that net was about wrenched from his hands!  Whoa!  He had something huge!  As he lugged the thing to the pier, we both had to grimace.  Ugh!  His net had gone over an enormous snapping turtle.  That old fellow was in one foul mood after being ensnared which made it tricky business to untangle him.  While Mark held the net taught to keep the turtle from getting even more tangled, I used the scoop net handle to free the critter.  Once that was done, the turtle made a hasty retreat back into the water. I was in no mood to mess with him any more!  It was then that we noticed the huge hole in the net.  Well...that was not a happy thing.

  Mark got the net from the small skiff and started throwing again.  Whomp!  Yep, he had thrown the net right over something huge again!  This time, there was a lot more splashing going on as he pulled on the rope.  Reaching down, he hauled a huge Black Drumfish onto the pier.  Ugh...again.  We surely did not need THAT much fish!  The fish, like the turtle, was untangled and released.  Also...again...another huge hole was to be found in the net.  Again...not a happy thing.

  It seemed as if fish were not to be on the menu today nor were the crab traps going to be baited.  We may have started out with grand intentions but things did not play out in our favor.  It was time to head back to the Little Bayou House to mend nets and figure out just what to cook for the day.

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