Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Once again, my heart breaks...

   It always saddens me when I find any dead critter about the Bayou but when it is a mass death, it is downright scary.  Something terrible has to have occurred to have a mass kill of anything.  Yesterday morning, I noticed that in a small pool in the marsh that sits near the pier, hundreds of mosquito fish had perished overnight.  The mud in the shallows was littered with dead bodies.  My heart hurt.  What had happened to my little fishies???  I immediately contacted my cousin who lives down the shoreline to see if she had noticed any dead fish near her place.  That answer was negative so, obviously, the problem was over this way. 

  For a few mornings prior to the fish kill, I had noticed a highly "chemical" smell each time I would go out the back door.  This door is on the Bayou side of the property.  From the Bay, the Bayou meanders northward until it turns into a creek that originates on the other side of the road.  Plenty of construction is going on there plus lots of landscaping done by new homeowners.  It is my assumption that something...something deadly...had washed into that creek and then, with the heavy rains, made its way to the Bayou and its coves.  Once the tide went out, the small tidepools were so heavily inundated with whatever chemical was in the water, they became toxic.  All life was obliterated.  My poor fishies!

  Things like this anger me to the bone.  Why cannot people respect other life...any life, for that matter.  It appears that no one cares anymore.  This sure makes me question the intelligence of humans these days.  Be stupid enough to kill off the wildlife then it becomes our turn to perish.  

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