Thursday, February 3, 2011

Another Gourd Lamp!

Again! Again today, we had no sunshine! Our temps were in the mid-thirties with high winds and more sleet or rain. Not the usual weather that we encounter here on the Bayou. So what did I do?? Felt miserable and cooped up inside. I don't suppose I would do well ever living in a place where I would be snowed in..I get "cabin fever"! I just don't know you folks do it in places that get masses of snow. I am spoiled with mild winters! But rather than bemoan the fact that my gardens were desolate and the pier was too slick to tread upon, I took advantage of my forced indoor stay. I worked on another gourd! It is a good thing that my brother keeps me well-supplied with these from his garden! This is another gourd lamp..if you recall, my dog, Ezzy, sort of had a run-in with the last one. This one is to be quite elaborate with lots of what my niece called "bling"! First step in any gourd-making process is to choose the gourd. As strange as it may sound, I tell people that if I hold a gourd for a bit, it will "tell" me just how it wants to be decorated. By this, I mean the shape and feel of the gourd will inspire the design. I am always thrilled when I have a "free-design" piece and not one that someone has particularly requested. The free-design ones always get the brain in imagination mode..the wheels start turning and then..WHAM!..I am off and running! This gourd "said" it needed the so-called bling!

Looking through a quilt pattern book, I chose a very simple design. This was my first attempt at anything sort of geometric and I did not know how difficult it might be to apply to a gourd..better keep it really easy! I drew the pattern on the gourd. In looking at it, I realize that it is a tad bit lopsided but hey..gourds are lopsided! And this is hand-made! And I guess I might have been a little careless as I was rushing to get this part over and done with! (You can choose any of the above excuses that you is actually a little bit of each of them!) I started poking holes or actually in this case..burning the holes! An old soldering iron fit the need right well and made the perfect size holes! I wanted to fill these holes with different colored beads and a few marbles. I thought this might give this lamp a stained glass effect. (Ha..Tiffany Lamps indeed!) Actually, Tiffany Lamps have always astounded me..the colors intrigue me to no end. Back to my gourd..I made holes all day! I am still making holes! I just hope that by the time I finish poking all these holes, there is enough gourd left to hold it all together!

Enough holes were poked to give at least some semblance of a design so I added a bit of paint here and there just to make the pattern stand out a bit when the light was not in use. Over all of this, I will have to apply a coat of clear finish to protect the paint and help seal the beads. I knew I would have to paint more but I just could not wait! I really wanted to see what this lamp was going to look like! In my mind's was going to be gorgeous! That is the whole trouble with me and these pieces..I have limited amount of patience! I want instant results! I want to see my finished lamp! I glued some beads in place and a marble in the center. Oh enough of that..I swiped one of the light cords from the Christmas decorations and stuck it up from the bottom of the gourd. Later, a new cord and lamp socket will be wired in place from the top of the gourd since this is to be a hanging lamp. For now though, this would suffice. I darkened the room and fumbled around for the cord's switch..holding my breath, I flipped the light on. Magic happened! It was just what I had imagined! A happy light that may not illuminate a room but will brighten someone's evening with a cheerful glow!

The gourd has a lot of work yet to be done. More holes..more paint..more beads. (I sure have learned to appreciate clear-drying glue!) It is far from being complete but I am satisfied that it will be just what I envisioned! Now all I have to do is poke about another zillion or so holes! Tomorrow's post will hopefully contain a picture of a completed gourd lamp! But for now..I think I will throw another log on the fire and make a cup of hot chocolate!


  1. This is amazing!! I love the colors! I love the patterns.. just simply beautiful what flows from your fingertips! You truely have talent beyond compare..

  2. Thank you, but surely you jest..remember, I have seen (and own) some of your incredible pieces! Still, coming from such an amazing artist as you, I am honored that you think the piece is praiseworthy.

  3. beautiful. what kindsof beads did u use?

    1. Hi K! Welcome to the blog and thank you for your kind words. In this gourd, I used plastic rondelle beads with a glass marble in the center. Since I made this one, I have created others using glass beads, marbles, glass cabochons, stained glass shards and faux turquoise. (The stained glass shards were found in our yard after Hurricane Katrina hit here. The storm waters washed the pieces from churches that were demolished by the winds. It was sort of sad knowing that something was destroyed so I gathered them with intentions of creating something special. I picked up over twenty gallons of colored glass shards from our yard.) Thank you for your interest!
