Thursday, March 31, 2011

Oh, Deer!

Down the hill near where the yard sort of runs into the Bayou, there is a large expanse of sand. Not that it belongs there naturally, it was washed in from the beach several years ago during Hurricane Katrina. This storm transferred what is known as Front Beach to my yard..literally. The sand was about six feet deep at some points. This sand like any other good beach sand holds shape well when wet, hence how sand castles are made to stick together. It also holds indentations really well when wet! A couple of weeks ago, I noticed small hoof tracks in this sand. I was excited and as soon as Hubby was within earshot, I started calling to him to come see! Deer tracks! Now this may not sound like momentous news to some people but here it is. I have to explain the fact that around my little Bayou, civilization has encroached crushingly near. There are houses being built almost within a stone's throw from my house. What once was an isolated, woodsy area has now become my own little Eden surrounded by society. This little paradise is perhaps one of the only areas that has enough undergrowth left to support a deer family. I plan on leaving it that way for as long as I possibly can. Now, Hubby was excited about the deer tracks, too, and made a special trip to the Farm Supply store to buy a sack of whole corn feed so I could set some out each evening for the little family. I have been carefully filling a small flat pan with the corn each evening and by morning it is always empty. For the first few nights, I thought the raccoons were eating the feed, but then, after the rain, there were the tracks again! My deer were back! I am elated! Before anyone thinks that I am feeding them so I can shoot them..just the opposite..I am doing this to keep them on our property. Hopefully, here they will be safe. I am quite sure that I might come to regret luring them close to the house and garden as soon as they start munching more than their share of my vegetables. But until that time, I will enjoy the fact that they are here. Oh..and Hubby bought me a sack of grass seed so perhaps that would deter their munchies from the garden! Half of the sack has been planted where I saw the tracks. I hope it does well and they eat to their heart's content!

Another find in the ongoing quest to overcome the chaos in the sewing room! Several finds to be falls in the category of "Why in the world did I save that?" Lids! Lots of lids to containers that have no containers! Just lids of all sizes and shapes. Lids of purple, green, blue and white..lids large and small..just lids. No boxes! Well, I did find a few small boxes but they had the lids attached so don't really count! Lids...hhmmpphh!

Find number eight million and something (I told you there was a lot of stuff crammed in the sewing room..stuff that not particularly pertains to sewing!).. Broken wind chimes! Now, once I had good intentions of restringing these wind chimes and hanging them back in the garden. I love wind chimes! I love to hear the tinkling music coming through the open windows in the evening. There is usually a gentle breeze coming off the Bay so wind chimes are a must! There are probably twenty or more sets of chimes in the boxes and I have relegated the job of restringing them to Son. Yeah I said..I have good intentions of restringing these wind chimes some day! They are definitely keepers!

And finally, find whatever number...felt! White felt..albeit grubby white felt! Yards and yards of grubby white felt. This felt came with my new sofa a few years back and the deliverymen were going to toss it!!! Can you imagine that..just toss yards of perfectly good (albeit grubby) white felt??? I rescued it! Now, just what am I to do with this? I have no clue! I suppose it is items like this that cause my children to conclude that I am hoarding things! Not so! I will use it someday! Everyone needs twenty-four yards of grubby white felt! It will stay!

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