Friday, April 1, 2011

Why April is late this year!

Today was supposed to be Thursday..not Friday! I need another day this week as I will never accomplish all that I wanted to do by this point in time. I blame it on April being late this year! For all of you who do not know..April is definitely later in arriving this year. This is not because of any astrological or astronomical anomaly but just sort of an inside joke between Sweet Daughter-in-law and me! During one of our lengthy conversations (this particular one about when Easter happens to occur this year) a minor slip of the tongue made April and not Easter be late in the Calendar year. So April is is Friday not Thursday..and I have not done all I wanted this week.

Now that the timeline is established, it explains why I was out trimming with the weedeater as Son cut the grass. If I had known it was Friday, I honestly would have paid the bills, picked up milk from the store and stopped at the Post Office to mail a package. But..I cut grass! As I was trimming near the clothesline, I noticed a small cluster of mushrooms that I had not seen before. I had to take a picture! The weedeater was tossed to the wayside and the camera was whisked into play! Now, some people stop to smell the roses. Some people brake for turtles. I will stop everything if I see anything to photograph. I was down on my hands and knees trying to get the best angle to photograph the entire mushroom when Son stops his mower and calls to me. "Hey, are you alright?" Alright???? I just found a mushroom! That answered that question!! He shrugged his shoulders and continued on pushing his mower. These little mushrooms look like they were dusted on top with a coating of frost. That could never be since it was a good 70 degrees...hmmm.

Since the weedeater was in the process of taking a nap, I meandered the garden! The Azaleas brightened the area immensely and sent a sweet aroma wafting on the breeze! I think these have to be some of the most vividly colored flowers on the planet! I have heard all sorts of rumors of how these bushes may be poisonous. Some say they are highly everything. Others tout that they are only poisonous to cows, horses and sheep but not dogs and cats. Then, out of the blue, I find that in Korea they make wine from the blossoms! Perhaps the dogs and cats are just smart enough to not drink the wine..and perhaps the horses, cows and sheep just have hangovers. Personally, I think I will just enjoy them visually and not go ingesting any.

Just to prove my point about April being late this year..the first picture of the Azaleas was taken on March 26th of this year. I took several today, but on March 26th, the Azaleas were already in full bloom. The second picture was taken last year on April 9th. That is several weeks different and considering that Azaleas only bloom for at the most two weeks, the bushes bloomed early this year..or if you have a twisted sense of perspective..April is late! I am quite sure it has something to do with the moon...hehe!

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