Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Star Light...Star Bright

I was on the pier this morning long before sunrise. Ezzy, the dog, and I trekked down in the dark in order to get the best seat for the show! I wanted to get a front row seat for the sunrise! As soon as I sat down, I realized that the show had already begun..I was late! The sky had just started to redden in the East but the sun was far from showing its face. There was however the tiniest sliver of a moon a bit to my left and the brightest star a bit to my right. What a sight to see both the Moon and the Morning Star with the coming Sun! It was hard for me to photograph the entire scene as the moon and star were a mite too far apart to get the close-up shot that I wanted..I would have to be satisfied with a widescreen shot with them in the distance. Still, from my vantage point..the view was amazing! The Morning Star was so incredibly bright against the rosy sky! This star is actually not a star at all but rather the Planet Venus. I am beginning to think that perhaps Venus should be declared a favorite planet simply because it is one that can be seen with the naked eye. I tried telling Ms. Ez how wonderful it was and how fortunate we were to be sitting there with all of this awesome stellar activity going on right in the sky during our dawn, but she pretended to be more interested a nutria rat that was swimming near the marsh. I knew that she was pretending disinterest simply to ire me so I just kept rambling on about the Morning Star..Venus..the Earth's rotation and apple pie. None of this seemed to pique her interest but I continued on with my monologue. She again pretended not to listen..turning her interest to a squirrel groggily descending a pine tree. I have to admit that I do have a bit of admiration for her ability to feign more interest in a squirrel than in the Astronomy course that I was so diligently departing for her benefit...silly dog! Perhaps tomorrow morning, I shall have to shake Hubby out of bed at 4AM to take in the "Sky Show" with me! I don't think he will have a problem with you????

In the garden, the Dill Weed is blooming already! Actually, this plant is not in the garden at all but rather planted in an old wheelbarrow. I had the bright idea of recycling an old wheelbarrow from a rubbish pile by turning it into an herb planter. This worked really well and when the weather turned cold, I was able to push the entire garden into the tepee! Now, however, the Dill Weed, which survived the winter quite well, was blooming. The only problem I can see with this whole deal is during its winter stay in its warm and cozy bed, the dill grew to about five feet tall! Now that it is blooming, the tops are shooting even further out the top of the wheelbarrow and the whole thing is starting to flop over to one side. I have a giant Dill! I suppose I have several options here as to how to cope with the Delinquent Dill. One..I can move the wheelbarrow/herb garden into the regular garden plot and let the seeds dangle perilously over the side and drop onto the ground in hopes of it seeding there..two..I can bend it around in an attempt to let it seed into the wheelbarrow again..or three..I can chop it all off and hope it comes back out at the base. Ponder..ponder..

I was happy to find the green anoles (these looked awfully brown to me but who am I to question a name?) out sunning themselves today. This is just another sign that Spring is trying to slip in on us. I love having these lizards in the garden! They are form of natural pest control! There were three of them on a pile of old chair spindles that I am keeping for ...umm..well that I am just keeping! Earlier in the morning there were four lizards but Ms. Put, the cat, sat looking smugly with a thin, wispy tail flipping around from her tightly clamped mouth. Hmmmm..instead of catching my lizards, Ms. Put, start chasing those moles!

All in all, it was a great day! I did convince Hubby to make the final walk to the pier this evening to catch the sunset. I think he likes sunsets a lot better than sunrises..except maybe when he is sitting in a boat fishing..and then he most likely is not looking at the sun or my Morning Star or thinking about apple pie. Well..maybe the apple pie!

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