Monday, October 29, 2012

Early Winter?

Sometimes I watch the critters on the Bayou to see if they react any differently to a change in the weather.    I have been told that most critters can predict upcoming weather changes about as accurately as the so-called expert meteorologists.  I watch things like the caterpillars, squirrels and birds.  All seem to have their own special ways of preparing for whatever is headed toward the Bayou area.  Caterpillars have a method of speeding up their transitional period of being in a cocoon.  If a cold spell is headed this way, I have seen seemingly immature caterpillars either bury themselves under mulch or in the ground or suddenly change forms.   The squirrels will stockpile acorns and seeds much heavier before storms or hard winters.  The local birds (those that do not migrate) also stockpile seeds.  Woodpeckers will hide seeds and acorns under lose tree bark and Blue Jays will hoard seeds in much the same manner.   All of the critters eat like crazy and create a nice layer of fat on their bodies.  This will help to keep them warm and also help them to survive when the food is scarce.

 This week, I noticed that the migratory birds have started arriving.  It is a mite early in the season compared to the past few years.  On the Bay, the Hooded Mergansers have started filtering in pair by pair.  Those and a few Ring-necked Ducks were huddled against the wind late yesterday evening.  They will be joined by the daily arrival of many more ducks of all sorts until the Bayou area is filled.   Then the Canadian Geese that are not permanent residents will flock into the area.  They will all head to my cousin, Michelle's place for their meals.  She sets out a fine buffet of corn to attract the hundreds of water fowl that need a decent meal.  Each year, the number of her visitors increases until her yard is dotted from end to end.  AND...she welcomes them all.

If these ducks are indicating what I think they are, we are in for an early and bit more severe winter this year.  I am thinking that perhaps our woodpile might not be sufficient to last the entire time.  Last year as with the previous few years, the winters have been mild..almost too warm.  The gut-feeling is for this one to be harsh.  We shall see...but in the meantime, I think some good old-fashioned wood-cutting is in the near future!

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