Sunday, October 28, 2012

Supper by Moonlight!

After working most of the day inside the Little Bayou House, Ms. Ez and I finally headed to the pier late this evening.  It was just at dusk with a nigh on full moon.  In the west, the sun had already set but the sky was still aglow with a beautiful golden tinge.  There was a slight north breeze sending chills about my body.  Ms. Ez shivered from the cold but also with excitement as she watched the Brown Pelicans dive near the pier.  I think these guys were hunting for a handout but I decided that it was just a tad too cold to start throwing the net. Besides, the north wind did not leave a lot of water around the pier.

As we watched the pelicans dive for fish, I started noticing that when one would make a large splash in the water, the others would soon follow.  The first pelican seemed to come up empty billed but the others always made a catch.  They would rotate with each dive.  The one that came up empty would not be the first to dive  during the next round.  It was as if they were taking turns to make sure each had supper.

It seemed that the impact of the first bird scared the little mullet enough that his friends had easy pickings.  The mullet would swim helter-skelter not watching what was going to hit them from above.  This kind of cooperation between the birds should inspire humans to follow sort.  If we all helped one another, then no one should ever go hungry. I said before, we, as a species, could learn so much by watching the others around us.

The evening ended when I turned to see Ms. Ez literally shaking like a leaf!  Poor dog..she was so cold!  Perhaps she is getting too old or too soft to be out in the weather.  I hate leaving her back at the house but at the same time, I do not wish for her to fall ill because she feels it is her duty to guard me.  Something must be done..poor old dog!

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