Friday, November 12, 2010

Busy Place

The Bayou was a busy place today what with the comings and goings of many shore birds. Most of these are not migratory, they just fly in and out with the food supply. The Bay is teeming with shrimp, menhaden and mullet making easy pickings for any hungry bird. The usual egrets and herons waded the shore lines, their heads bobbing up and down as they scooped up supper. On the swim were several different ducks and cormorants. The cormorants are strange birds, as they will fish for a while and then find a resting spot and dry their wings. A cormorant will bask in the sun with its wings outstretched for quite some time before heading back to fish again. Theposts on the pier are in high demand for roosting places for the gulls, pelicans and now the cormorants. I am thinking I should stick a few more posts and maybe a rail out just for the birds! Today's fishing was not just for the birds though, as the alligator made her appearance, too. She kept her distance but seemed to be eying any fish that I tossed back. I was glad to see her since it has been several weeks ago that I last saw her. I was beginning to fear for her life. It seems to be the going thing now to report any gator that moseys around the marsh. Then some "gator hunter" comes to get rid of the "rogue gator". These poor animals are just doing what comes natural to them by swimming, sunning and hunting. It is people that cause the problems by antagonizing the animals. I have lived here with these alligators for what seems like forever. They have not bothered me. They keep their distance as they are relatively shy creatures. Of course, I have sense enough to respect them and their territory. I have no problem with any gator living on my Bayou or with this one being near my pier. Today the crab traps were baited well with fish so I suppose that tonight she will visit under the pier to get her supper. Come morning light, my traps will all be upside down with the bait boxes empty. That is part of the charm of living where I learn to live in harmony with nature not destroy it.

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