Thursday, November 11, 2010


Hero..a person of distinguished courage or ability, someone admire for brave deeds and noble qualities.

Today being Veterans' day, we should honor the brave heroes that have fought to keep our country safe. Those who put their lives on the line to give us freedom. Elmer Davis said it best when he stated that "This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." Truer words were never spoken..our brave soldiers are what keep this land free. Another saying is that "Freedom is never free." It is definitely not free. The cost of freedom is found in the blood of the Veterans that were wounded or died in defense of this country. The cost of freedom is found in the physical duress that our soldiers must endure through training and during wartime. The cost of freedom is found in the mental stress that the soldiers encounter during deployment. The cost is found in so many ways and our soldiers carry it all on their broad, able shoulders. They are heroes. True heroes. I am proud to be an American..proud to live in the "Land of the Free"..proud that my son, Mark, is in the Military! To Veterans, I simply say "Thank you." I could never even begin to repay you for all you have given this country and to me. I can only say that I proudly fly my flag in your honor. I am humbled by your loyalty, bravery and integrity. You have given us the hope to envision a world as it should be..a world of freedom..a world of peace. You..each of a true hero and should be lauded as such.

My daughter-in-law, Joanna, gave me this Thomas Kinkade print called "Heading Home" several years ago. It hangs in my dining room and every time I pass it, it causes me to think of our soldiers past and present. With so many still overseas, please pray for their safe return.


  1. "We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." -George Orwell

  2. These heroes are amazing people. Also amazing are those who stand behind them, supporting them on the homefront. Thank you, Joanna, for standing strong!
