I know that there is a song about "The House of the Rising Sun" and the house is either a brothel or a prison depending upon which version you hear. Now the "House of the Rising Sun" that I am writing about today is neither of these but rather a gazebo that sits directly across the Bayou from my place. It is a fine gazebo..large, windowed and has an attached pier. It is also a fine gazebo for photographing since this time of year, the sunrises always frame it. This morning was no different. The journey to the pier was a cold one..the coldest yet this season. We had a light freeze here on the Bayou after an entire day's rain. The pier boards were slightly frosted over making the trip a bit treacherous but the view of the sunrise was well worth the effort. Ezzy, the dog, and I settled into our usual seat (this time I remembered to bring a blanket for us!) The sun was just starting to redden the sky so I sat sipping coffee as Ez watched an otter swim under the pier. I tried getting a picture of it but the flash scared the bejeebies out of it and that was that..no more friendly otter. He scooted off never to be seen again! Then..the the gazebo looked as if it

was on fire! The big ball of sun could clearly be seen through the windows! It lit up the entire inside of the gazebo!! I was in the perfect position at the perfect time to get the perfect picture! When I showed the picture to my daughter, she immediately proclaimed it as the "House of the Rising Sun"! The perfect title of a gorgeous picture! So it stuck! I am not sure that the gated community that owns the gazebo would appreciate their gazebo being dubbed this considering the options according to the song but they really should see their building early in the morning from my view!
Later in the day, there was a need to gather firewood since our weather has turned much cooler. I have two wood-burning stoves that need stoking to keep the house relatively warm. Armed with axe and a hatchet, my son set to the woodpile. He is getting a quite hefty pile stacked out in the back of the house. We will definitely need more so this week will probably be spent sawing, splitting, hauling and stacking. There is nothing worse than having a week or so of rainy, icy days and running low on firewood. I have been told on numerous occasions that during those days I should just turn on the heat. Little do these well-meaning folks realize, I have no heat other than these stoves. If there is no firewood..there is no heat! Like I said..this week will be spent restocking the woodpile..it is a necessity..one that requires constant attention..one that trumps all other chores during the winter.
Lizzy is so creative. Hopefully the gazebo won't spontaneously combust now. :) I need to send Amy down. She is surprisingly good at spliting fire wood. She would help Mike and Mark split wood at the duplex on Herbert St.
ReplyDeleteShe does have a great imagination! I love it! As far as Amy coming to help..I think Michael would appreciate any help he could get!
ReplyDeleteHaha, Joanna...you should know that my curse only works if the things I name are living. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThose poor goldfish! And just so you will know..the gazebo is still standing!