Once in a Blue Moon!
Ok..so we have all said it or at least grew up hearing it but have we ever seen the "Blue Moon"? Tonight, November 21, 2110 is when a Blue Moon occurs. No, it is not really blue in color as the name suggests and as far as I know, no one really can explain the name satisfactorily to the rest of us. I do know that there are in essence two definitions of a Blue Moon..one says it is the third full moon of four in a season. The season being the period of time between a solstice and an equinox or vice versa. According to the Farmer's Almanac if you follow this definition then the next Blue Moon will be on August 21, 2013. So that said, what are the rest? Red? Green? Maybe Purple?? It might be nice to name all the full moons in a season a different color and that way we can be sure we get them right. For instance, my dad would often plant by the phase of the moon. How easy it would have been for me to remember to plant my potatoes by the say..the second week past the Purple Moon! The other definition is the one that is easiest for me to remember as it is said to be the second full moon that falls within a calendar month. This is supposed to be the second full moon in November. Still, why blue? The term "once in a Blue Moon" is usually in reference to something that does not happen very often..a rare event. For instance, if you clean behind your refrigerator once in a Blue Moon, now is the time to get hustling. Those dust bunnies are probably huge by this time! Now get going..get that mop out and clean behind the frig!
Personally, that job is done perhaps once in several Blue Moons in this house so I guess it is a rare event and could really be said to be "done once in a Blue Moon"! Yet, I am still at a loss of the lousy naming job of this phenomenon. I did look outside and no blue color to be found. There was a halo around the moon so perhaps we shall have rain soon..at least according to folklore. Most of this falls in the category of folklore so I suppose we can name these events anything we want and still be within the limits of reason. After all just what is folklore..stories!..and I see no logic in not being a bit creative with a story! Or not being a bit (or a lot) creative with a photograph as I have in this one! (Thanks, Judy!)
Mark noticed the Blue Moon too. He looked up the reason why it is called "Blue Moon" and was able to tell Amy and Doug during the drive home from the airport.
ReplyDeleteMine is altered to be blue!
ReplyDeleteDon't worry...I won't tell. :)
ReplyDeleteOoops! Maybe I should not have!