Thursday, November 4, 2010

Things that go bump in the night!

Have you ever thought of just what is outside your window at night? Or what creatures might be creeping around in the wee hours of the morn? Many do not realize nor care to realize just how many critters are out and about when we are snug inside our homes. There are the obvious.. raccoons, 'possums and owls..but there are so many more that invade our yards. Ones we do not even realize make an appearance. All you need to do is rise early enough in the morning to see plenty of signs of that life was abundant during the dark of the night. Tracks.. investigate the soft sand around the driveways.. the mud around ponds and bayous.. the tilled soil in the garden. There are tracks everywhere. Some were definitely left all throughout the night while others were imprinted just minutes after sunrise. Bobcats, nutrias, coyotes, foxes, deer and a plethora of birds have all left telltale footprints along the Bayou. Plus weasels, rabbits, rats, mice and otters add theirs often enough. With the coming winter, our winds are turning more from the North. This pushes the water from the Bay and Bayou creating mud flats that extend far out from the marsh edge. While this sort of impedes (ok.. definitely impedes) any fishing, crabbing and shrimping from the pier, it does make for interesting tracking. All types of animals come to the flats to dine on the shellfish and minnows that become trapped by the receding water. Tracks abound in the mud and along the sandy edge. This morning was one of those "low tide" times and there was plenty of opportunity to view tracks.. footprints of the night world.

While out "tracking" or at the very least "observing" tracks, I noticed an egret stalking minnows in the shallows. This snow white bird was carefully stirring the muddy bottom with its foot in hopes of rousting some breakfast. Then a thought! How does this bird stay so gleaming white in all of this mud??? I can merely look at the Bayou and somehow mud seems to jump out and grab a hold to my clothing. And this mud is not something that you really want on a nice white shirt. It does not come out in the wash! I watched this elegant bird, I pondered just how it stayed so clean. Alright detergent makers.. observe this bird! I want a "pre-treat" that will prevent me from staining my clothes with bayou mud!!!

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