Friday, November 5, 2010

The Big Catch!

My hands hurt tonight! Yes, it is a bit of arthritis and the change in weather is not particularly helping matters. But the main reason they hurt is that I spent most of the morning cleaning fish. My husband went out fishing early this morning and caught mullet..masses of mullet..millions of mullet! Ok..ok..I know that last one was a far, he did not catch millions of mullet. It only seemed this way when I, like the dutiful wifey I am, offered to help clean these fish. What was I thinking! That was about the dumbest thing I have done in a long time! Volunteering to help fillet fish is not the brightest of all moves, I must admit. Still, I stuck with it until all seventy-six of them were in the bowls and on their way inside. Now my hands hurt. I had good intentions of working on a gourd tonight but I cannot hold my tools, so that will have to wait. (I have rubbed them down with my herbal potion so perhaps by morning they will feel better.) You might ask why we would possibly want two buckets of fish and you would be absolutely right in assuming that it would be a bit much for us to eat. These fish were destined for a positive use! The filleted fish have been washed, sorted, bagged and delivered those in need. Some of today's catch went to several of our elderly neighbors. They seem to appreciate the fresh fish and even more..the visit. The rest of the bagged fish went to two different families that because of illness cannot catch their own. This is another of those win/win situations..Hubby had the fun of catching the fish and at least six different families received a meal! And me..well..I suppose I should not complain too least I was outside most of the day!...even if it was outside filleting the cold..and now I have painful hands..... is all good!

The change in weather that I was speaking of earlier, is strange indeed! Just about an hour ago, we received a "freeze warning"! This is strange as it is early in the year for us to get a freeze... very early in the year. My garden is not going to like this one bit. The greenhouse is not built yet so nothing is in place to harbor the plants from the chill. What was I to do? My tender plants will be shivering tonight! Armed with a laundry basket full of old towels and blankets, I hurried to the garden! I tried to console the tomatoes and herbs as I covered them. "This will help! Think
warm thoughts little plants!" Now my garden looks like a death scene from some movie with casualties all covered with blankets..oh..I hope that is not an bad omen. I really have to get these guys of mine in gear and get that greenhouse built!

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