Sunday, November 7, 2010

The view out my window..

Early this morning I made the mistake of throwing back the curtains and raising the window blinds. It was a beautiful sunshiney day and I was determined to enjoy every minute of it! Aaack! Horrors! The windows were so grimy that I could hardly see out! This would never do..I had to wash them. Well..there went my happy morning..right out the window. Now that I found the dirt and grime, I had to stay indoors and wash windows. I am not a big fan of housework of any kind and this was something I truly did not want to spend my day doing. Well..let's get it procrastinating today! Down came the curtains and into the wash they went. I hauled in the ladder, filled a bucket with water and vinegar, grabbed some rags and set to work. Grumble.. This is the worse thing I could be doing. Grumble.. I would much rather be fishing. Grumble.. Such a beautiful day is being wasted. Grumble.. I stopped wiping the window..WOW!.. What a view! Sitting on the top of the stepladder, I was able to see things a bit differently than I normally view them. I know that I live on an incredible place that is so amazingly beautiful but I suppose I needed to be in a different position to fully enjoy it. Maybe I needed a new perspective of what makes me happy. Or perhaps it was just a kick in the pants to make me realize that cleaning windows needn't be a dreaded chore. Whatever it is called, I started scrubbing those windows with a new ambition. There are ten windows in this room and each held a breathtaking view..not a bad way to spend a morning. Not a bad way at all!

When I did finish the cleaning, I still had plenty of time to meander to the pier. The tide was pushed far out with the North wind making extensive mud flats. Our crab traps were high and dry and it was easy to see the many sticks and logs that take my fish hooks when I snag them. Not much fishing to be done on a day like this! Still, there is always something interesting on the Bayou. Today it was a Garter Snake. This tiny snake lives in the marsh under the pier. It is a tiny thing maybe only fifteen inches long but is big in personality. This little fellow seems to like being noticed and makes an appearance quite often when I am on the pier. I watched as it slithered along the mud to the small tide pool. Here the minnows were trapped and were an easy target. The little snake managed to catch three while I was watching. It ate well for today. After feeding, it took advantage of the sun and warmed itself before slipping off into the marsh. I suppose it won't be long before it will hibernate and I won't see my friend for a while.


  1. These photos are so peaceful. Almost haunting in a way (a good way). I like the little snake. :)

  2. The Bayou is a peaceful, almost "haunting" place to be.
