Saturday, December 18, 2010

A whole mess of thoughts!

I was out an about today when I noticed a streak in the sky. You know.. those nifty things that are behind the planes. Bing! The brain had another deja vu moment! I remember one time asking my dad what that was and he told me that it was the track that Santa's sleigh was making as he flew through the sky! That stuck in the brain so now every time I see thoughts immediately turn to Santa! My darling daughter just told me that it is something entirely different! When I asked this college graduate the question of what the scientific name for this trail might be, she answered without hesitating.."jet flatulence"! So now, I suppose that every time I view this phenomenon I will start giggling! Oh my!

Another random thought! Just what do hedgehogs and Christmas have in common? I am not sure there is a single thing, but..I have Christmas hedgehogs. They are the cutest little things ever. My dear sister gave two ornaments to me several years back and I do not have the heart to stow them away each year. They sit on the window ledge day after day staring out the window. How cute these little fellows are! My sister always finds the most unusual gifts and she knows that I love these quirky things! I am blessed to have her!

Random thought number three! Have you ever noticed just how sometimes something so commonplace can have such an uncommon beauty? Down in the Bayou and Bay there is a type of mollusk that the otters love to eat. They crack open the shells and leave them littered along the marsh edge. The inside of these shells is gorgeous! Nacre! Almost like a rainbow on the halfshell! I keep flipping the idea around in my head of how I can use these shells in my jewelry designs. It will come some day, when the thoughts are not so discombobulated!

One last random thought for the day..kumquats! Yes, we are still talking kumquats here! Ninety-six pounds of kumquats! Gallons upon gallons of marmalade! I am still chopping, seeding and preserving these little droplets of gold. Since this has put a huge damper on the Christmas gift making, a lot of folks shall receive a lovely jar of homemade marmalade or kumquat syrup as a present! Now there is a thought! Pancake mix and kumquat syrup! That might solve a good many gifts! And to think, I still have the grapefruit to pick...I am sure we will be talking about buckets of them for a while, also! Fruit overload!

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