Friday, December 17, 2010

Unexpected visitors!

Have you ever noticed how unexpected visitors can brighten a dreary day! Today was that sort of day..the weather was somewhat frightful as the song says but the fire inside was delightful..and holiday guests make everything right. Several wonderful guests dropped in bearing the most delicious gifts! First, my lovely cousin dropped in with some of the most mouthwatering candies and cookies she had made. A whole tray of goodies! There were even some homemade Divinity! Jamie Lynn made this using her mother's (my sweet aunt) recipe! I remember savoring Divinity made by my aunt. Each year a tray of this would make its way to our house and we, as children, were allowed one piece now and again. Oh! How delightful this was! It definitely lived up to its was heavenly! And now a tray of the delights..along with assorted cookies and pralines! I think I gained an instant ten pounds just dreaming of these sweet tidbits!

Then before Jamie Lynn left, in come two other guests! My brother-in-law, William and beautiful sister-in-law, Reva came bearing gifts! Oh, my goodness! These were the most incredible homemade caramel apples ever! They were huge! And covered with all sorts of goodies and beautifully wrapped! What a treat these were! (Note: "were" as in past tense as they disappeared rather quickly along with about half of my dear cousin's cookies!) William and Reva's visits never fail to cheer me!

After our guests went on their way, hubby and I tried out the lights that were strung on the eaves of the house before the unexpected pleasure of company. Another Christmas joyance.. another smile. Flipping that switch always brings a bit of excitement! They all worked! Yay! Now the Bayou is really being to look a lot like Christmas! It is so festive! permitting..the tree on the pier will receive its lights and all decorating will be complete! Now, if I can only get this shopping finished!.. Gifts wrapped!.. Baking done!.. Oh my! Where has the time flown?!!

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