Sunday, January 9, 2011

Grub Wars!

I was at war yesterday. At war with myself to be exact. Have you ever been at those crossroads where you know the "right" thing to do but that "right" thing is not what you really want to do? That was right where I was at! The war between right and wrong. The war between good and evil. The war between just and unjust. To be or not to be..that is the question. Oh, wait! That was not supposed to be in here! Anyway, I was torn..the decision was plaguing my mind and I had no answer. We were out cutting firewood in preparation for the oncoming winter storm, when we uncovered a mass of grub worms. You know the ones..white, round, rumply looking things. The ones that remind me of the Michelin Man gone bad. Yeah..those! As I said, we uncovered a mass of these things. They were sharing lodgings under an old oak log with a few billion other critters. The carpenter ants, ground wasps, centipedes and millipedes immediately scampered off to hide elsewhere but as you know..grub worms do not scamper. They just sort of sit there and pulsate like the Blob. My decision? The war in my mind? The fisherman in me said "Bait! Go fishing!" The logical being inside me said " is far too cold and windy." The yard owner part of me said "They will ruin the lawn..these things cause brown spots." The lazy me said "Less grass to cut this summer!" The birder in me said "Feed them to the birds!" The humane me said "I can't do would be cruel!" So ponder, ponder. Do I squish the smithereens out of these ugly little beings or do I just let them live in peace? I CANNOT DO IT!!! Go little grubs! Be free! Eat my grass roots! I quickly covered them with mulch to keep them warm. I felt better about the whole thing. As matter of fact..I almost felt like a hero! I saved their little peapickin' lives!

Now a few facts about these grub worms. Yes, they will ruin your nice, plush green lawn by making huge brown spots in the middle of it. Kill Them! The grubs or larvae eat the roots of the grass killing it. Kill Them! They damage your potato crops. Kill Them! They damage corn crops. Kill them! They are the larvae of June Bugs! Awww..cute little June Bugs! I like the cute little June Bugs! Don't kill them..let them, like all critters, live in peace. Grub worms won the battle!

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