Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Don't ask me why I name the critters of the Bayou..I really cannot answer. It seems as if sometimes, these animals just need a name. Sometimes, there is no rhyme nor reason for the name that I just happens. Such is the case with Elvis. Elvis comes to visit me quite often when I am on the pier. He begs for handouts and usually receives whatever I can catch. Elvis, you see, is a Tri-colored Heron.

Elvis, the Tri-colored Heron, that lives in the Bayou!

I was on the pier yesterday morning when..sure flies Elvis! He perched himself on the edge of the pier with his usual hungry look. That morning, though, I did not throw the net for Elvis. There was plenty of small mullet running in the shallows and I figured he needed to catch his own. He edged closer to me as if to nudge me into fishing for him. I sat. " stop being so lazy and go get your own!" He stared at me as if in disbelief! After a bit, Elvis hopped down from the pier and into the shallows along the marsh edge. He busied himself scooping up mullet after mullet and soon forgot about me! He was far too busy!

Elvis has left the area!

After about twenty minutes or so, Ezzy, the dog, and I decided it was coffee time so we headed back to the Little Bayou House. When we neared the edge where Elvis was having breakfast, he did not notice us...that is until Ezzy let out a low..."Woof". I really do not think she meant to startle Elvis but was merely telling him goodbye! Elvis, on the other hand, did not respond well to her nicety! His wings shot out and with a loud squawk, he flew to the other side of the Bayou. Elvis had left the pier! He was not one bit happy with the way the morning had unfolded! The chef had not fixed breakfast to his liking and then some large beast had "Woofed" at him! Life is so difficult when you are the King!


  1. Amazing photo of Elvis taking flight!

    1. would have been much better had I actually managed to get most of the bird in the photo. Still, the water droplets do look beautiful!
