Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Sun is Up!

When the kids were very small, I taught them to read by using a little book entitled "Sun Up". It was a cute little book and the wording made it an easy first book. The first line of the book read something like..."The sun is up!" Easy words in easy sentences made the teaching enjoyable and I was extremely confidant that the kids were reading well and learning fast! That was until I realized that after reading this so many times, they had actually memorized the words and were no longer "reading" but merely reciting. This in itself was still a pretty amazing feat considering I taught each of them to read when they were under four years of age!

I thought of the little book this morning. I had slipped out the door before daybreak to get a picture of the most beautiful sunrise that was unfolding in the eastern sky. Before I left, I looked at Ms. Ez, the dog, and she was still sound asleep. She would not want to go with me this morning. Sunny, the pup, on the other hand was wide awake and most eager to head out the door. I was a bit hesitant to take her as I would have to use the leash and that is far from conducive to using the camera. The constant tugging would not have allowed me to hold the camera steady so I left the little one inside. Big mistake!

I headed down to the pier at a fast pace so I could at least catch a few shots before the sunrise faded into a full blown daylight. As soon as I reached the shore end of the pier, I heard a whimper. That was one loud whimper! I had purposely left the front door open with just the screen door closed thinking surely Sunny would not have a problem if she could see me. I took a few steps onto the pier..the whimpering soon turned into a slight howling. Sunny wanted to be outside with me and she was going to let me know. The howling escalated until it sounded not unlike a police siren...uh oh...this was not good at 6 am! I hurriedly took a few pictures and raced back to the Little Bayou House as fast as these old legs could carry me! By the time I reached the front door, Sunny was howling at the top of her lungs, Ezzy was awake, barking furiously and I imagine everyone within a country mile was awake! I quickly reprimanded Sunny with a sharp "NO!" and sort of glared at Ezzy. I suppose that I learned my lesson! Perhaps this puppy is training me and not the other way around! Instead of "The sun is up!", this whole neighborhood possibly knew "Sunny was up!"

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