Thursday, August 2, 2012

A bright spot in a drab day...

My time outdoors has been limited a bit by some aggravating bug that has decided to make me ill.  It is sort of ironic that illnesses are called bugs because this all started with bug bites and has turned into something that has me quite lethargic and in pain.  Still, I managed to slip to the back porch for a few minutes.  I just had to get some fresh air!  While I was there, I noticed that the nandina bushes were full of berries.  Not that this is earthshaking but when you are stuck inside, any form of nature seems to be a wonder.  I smiled a bit to think of how this winter those little green berries will be fiery red jewels in an otherwise drab surroundings. jewels in a drab-feeling day..later, red jewels to brighten the winter's cold.

The nandina bush is an interesting little shrub as it not only puts on quite a show during early spring with its white flowers and waxy leaves but every season is blessed with some cheery tidbit or another.  The clusters of tiny flowers only began the process.  During the summer, the once flowers turn to shiny green berries that drape over with weight as they grow.  These berries sit hidden like treasures among the equally green leaves.  It is often hard to spot them but when you do, it is always a pleasant surprise.  The comes the fall and the leaves themselves put on a spectacular show!  The reds, purples, greens and sometimes a touch of gold make quite a splash in the garden!  Then once winter throws a cool spell at us, the berries turn blazing red!

For such a beauty of a bush, it seems quite strange that all parts are poisonous.  The leaves, stems, flowers and berries can all be fatal to many animals!  Another strange thing about the plant..birds are not affected by this toxicity.  They can..and the berries with no ill side-effects.  Now go figure that one!  I watched this past winter how the Cedar Waxwings came in and stripped the nandina bushes of every berry and then flew on to the hollies on the hill.  Not a one of the birds seemed any worse for wear after downing berry after berry!

I was glad that my nandinas decided to let me view their pretty berries today as I needed something to brighten my mood.  Being able to find the beauty in nature is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us..a gift that we should not take lightly.  Take a hike and look closely at some fantastic creation..really look at it.  Or simply peer at the window and take in all the breathtaking sights.  The sky, the trees, the critters is amazing.  Sometimes, just a lowly thing like a cluster of green berries can make you smile..and it did.  I smiled.

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