Friday, August 3, 2012

A Cure For What Ails You!

Ok..quick..what in the world do you do with zucchini squash?  Or let me rephrase..what in the world do you do with gigantic zucchini squash?  Mark went to see his sister a few weeks back and she sent back a whole bucket full of squash.  Linda knows that I love squash (or any vegetable for that matter) so she knew that I would appreciate even the huge ones that she stuck in the bucket. But the question remained..what in the world do you do with gigantic zucchini squash?

Today, I had enough of laying around trying to recuperate from being ill.  I decided that if I was ever going to get to feeling up to par again, I needed to get up and do something!  Ugh..well, that thought lasted just about a minute.  No!  I really needed to do something!  So I headed to the kitchen!  There on the floor were three of the huge zucchini squash.  I stared at them a bit..did I really want to tackle something that large?  With only Son here to help me eat it, even one of those squash would be far too much..even more so because he does not like to eat zucchini.  Something would just have to be done about that! I chopped one of the large squash and put it on to boil.  Now, to figure out what could be made that he would eat.  Perhaps I could disguise the squash in some way!  A cake!  I would make a cake!  I know he would have eaten bread made with the squash but being as I just made four banana breads, a cake seemed more in order. I pulled out all the ingredients and set to work.  My results?  One fine looking chocolate/zucchini cake and a messy kitchen!  Oh, my!  It looked as if the bag of flour had a fight with the can of cocoa!  I had not anticipated just how shaky my hands would be when measuring and sifting!  Perhaps baking when ill was not the best idea! I did, indeed, make a huge mess and now had no energy to clean.  Plop..I plunked down in the chair and looked at the flour/cocoa strewn kitchen.  I wanted a nap!

I did push myself to get that mess cleaned and finally was able to rest.  Actually, after being in the kitchen, I feel some better.  Mark's uncle always told me that when I am feeling poorly, I should just get up and do something.  His thoughts are that by doing this, I will not dwell so much on the pain.  He could very well be right and after today, I will surely not argue with the man!  I do feel better...but then, chocolate always makes me feel good!  Chocolate..the new wonder drug!

I promise to put this recipe in the Cooking on the Bayou page in the morning..right now, more rest is in order.

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