Sunday, August 5, 2012

Beware of the Wooden Bird!

First let me say, I like birds.  I like birds of all kinds..from the greatest eagles to the tiniest hummingbird...I like them all.  To be honest, I have not found any that I can say irk me.  Even those that most folks do not think are admirable have good traits.  Take the vultures and buzzards, without them our roadways would be a mess..the birdfeeder hogs, Blue Jays..without their alarms we may never know when a snake has invaded our gardens..even starlings, those pesky birds that swarm in by seeming millions..they eat tons of insects.  So, you see, every bird has its good traits. Or maybe not...

I was doing a bit of dusting in the bathroom when I came in contact with a bird that is pushing the envelope when it comes to meanness.  I might even go as far as saying that for a moment at least, I developed an intense dislike for this bird. What, may you ask, is a bird doing in my bathroom?  Well, in answer to that, I will clarify..this is not a living bird.  There is a series of shelves in this bathroom that hold a number of bayou-related items.  There are shells, fishing lures and some wooden shorebirds.  As I was dusting these seemingly innocuous birds, one BIT me!  Yep!  A wooden bird reached down and pecked the ever-living daylights out of my hand!  Ouch! I have been pecked by birds before and knew that they can hurt like crazy and can even take a sizely chunk out of your finger but for a wooden bird to do damage was slightly unreal to say the least!

The bird in question is quite innocent-looking as far as wooden birds go but it had indeed punctured my skin with its beak!  I investigated.  Sure enough, the beak of this bird had been whittled to a fine point.  While I was dusting, I had inadvertently knocked the bird over.  Its sharp beak made a beeline right for that tender spot between the pinky and ring fingers!  Ouch!  I stared at the bird with its beak firmly planted about a quarter inch deep in my flesh...who would ever create a home decor item that could potentially be used as a weapon!  Pulling the rabid bird off of my hand, I looked at the beak..yep..that sure looked sharp to me!  The bird still sits on the shelf but you can be sure that from now on I will be a bit more careful when I dust!  Wooden birds just cannot be trusted!

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