Monday, August 6, 2012

Eating out of boredom!

Ahh, Poor Sunny!  The pup had her surgery ten days ago to prevent any unwanted puppies in the future.  These ten days have proven to be the hardest ten days of her stay with me.  Not overly hard on  me but excruciatingly hard on her.  She had to be crated.  This has just about been her undoing as there has been no playing nor baths! She could not go splash in her pool!  She could not jump on top of Ms. Ez!  She could not wallow in the mud! No tug-o-war, no chase and no fetch..she was homebound so to speak. She has been miserable!  And I have felt badly about being the "jailer".

I have plied the puppy with all sorts of toys thinking perhaps that would help but it seemed to only worsen her mood.  If she could not romp with the playthings, she did not want them!  Immediately after placing a toy in the crate with her, I would have to remove it!  That thing was slung around like nobody's business!  Bang, Crash, Smack!  It sounded like a building being demolished inside of my living room!  I though a softer toy might work..nope...she ate it!  Now that could not be healthy!  No stuffed critters for Sunny!  I resorted to doggy biscuits!...and that kept her quiet...ahhh..peace!  Every day for ten days, doggy biscuits were poked at the puppy.  She was ecstatically happy.  She was quiet!   Munching on those biscuits pleased her and thus, pleased me!  I was afraid at first that this constant snacking might inhibit her feeding.  I thought that my habit of giving her doggy biscuits, bacon treats, dental bones and occasional carrots would ruin her appetite for her regular did not.  The pup still ate like a horse!  She was ravenous!  An endless pit that needed continuous filling!  My goodness, this dog was going to eat me out of house and home!

When we had taken her in to have her surgery done ten days ago, the techs were amazed that in the three weeks since they had last seen her, she had gained nine pounds!  That was almost incredulous!  Gaining nine pounds in three weeks must be an impressive weight gain in the canine world..I have no idea.   Today..needless to say, the techs were astonished...oops.   There was an instance of confusion when they placed Sunny on the scales.  "OH, MY!  THIS PUPPY HAS GAINED ANOTHER SIX POUNDS!!!!!" I am assuming at this point that a six pound weight gain in ten days is nothing short of miraculous.  The statement rang through the halls as I tried to blend in with the wallpaper.  Six pounds in ten days...uh this rate I will have an obese puppy on my hands.  I sort of mumbled something about her being crated at their orders but the "SIX POUNDS" kept echoing through the halls and drowned out my explanations.  "SIX POUNDS IN TEN DAYS!"  I just wanted to get my puppy and go home.  After what seemed like hours but was more like five minutes, they returned Sunny who was now free of stitches.  I could make my escape...but not before I was given strict instructions to keep her crated for another three to four days.  WHAT?  NOOOOO!  Yes, Sunny still needs to be leashed and crated to let the stitches heal a few more days.  And in those few more miserable days, I just hope she does not EAT enough to bust anything loose!  This puppy is nigh on forty pounds and still growing like a bad weed!  

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