Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Honey of a Gift!

I have let it be known to my family that I do not want any gifts this year that involve me having to find a place in which to put it.  The Little Bayou House is nigh on bursting at the seams with "STUFF".  I do not need nor want anymore stuff!  If something is to be brought into the place, it had better be food, craft supplies or seeds!  Why, at this point, I would even prefer a truckload of firewood or fertilizer!  These types things can easily be used up before becoming clutter!  It is not that I am trying to be picky nor ungrateful, there is just no more space available for cutesy, little knickknacks. I do not need anymore souvenir, ceramic mugs, holiday sweaters and for sure I do not need furniture!  I have not been donating stuff for the past three months just to have the house all filled back up with needless items!  Folks, put a little thought into your gifts!  Unless you want it donated to the local senior citizen's group or thrift store, please do not give me something that you mindlessly grab off the store shelf as you get caught up in the frantic gift-buying mania!  I would much rather you donate some foodstuffs to the local soup kitchen or give a jacket or blanket to the homeless shelter. Again, I am not trying to be ugly..just practical. I really have far too much and wish to downsize a bit!

Then a knock at the door!  Rap, rap, unusual to get a guest at the Little Bayou House!  I flung open the door to see my brother standing there.  His arms were full of stuff.  Oh, my! do I politely tell him that I do not want stuff?  As he handed me things, I begin to realize that most of this already belonged in my house.  First he handed me a box of empty canning jars.  These were once filled with jams or jelly.  We have a deal of sharing produce!  Then came an empty bake pan that once held a zucchini bread that I shared with him.  After that, there was a few picture frames that he thought I might be able to use for crafts.  Stuff..but not too bad.  I could handle this!  Then he turned toward his truck and muttered something about having to get the rest. Oh, geez...more?  When he returned, he smiled at me and said "Merry Christmas!"  I started to smile as well!  Without being told my plans for no useless gifts, he was giving me a perfect present!  Yes, it is early to be exchanging gifts but he and I understand each other's intentions!  Mark and I had given my brother a crate of sweet potatoes a month ago as his Christmas gift and now he was returning the kindness.  He was holding three quart jars of delightfully golden HONEY!!!  Wow!  This is the perfect type of gift for me!  As often as I use honey (and prefer local honey), these three quarts are an amazing gift!  I was elated to say the least!  I have a most wonderful who understands the art of gift-giving!  One who understands that the perfect gift is one that can be used...unlike some chartreuse and purple sweater with Christmas penguins holding a string of colored lights..or perhaps a large, fiber-optic daisy that plays "You are my sunshine!"...or  ...well, you get the idea.  Honey...the perfect gift for me!!

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