Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Lavender Bay!

Sometimes things that are ordinary can turn extraordinary in the blink of an eye!  Take this evening for instance.  Ms. Ezzy and I were taking our usual hike around the hillside.  Nothing stood out as being any different than any other hike...it was nice but not what I would call extremely exciting.  We looked at sorts of things that were interesting...well, I looked...Ezzy sniffed as dogs are prone to do.  She seemed more excited about the rabbit poop than the osprey in the dead pine tree but I suppose that is a dog thing as well.  Then, as habit takes us, we made our way to the pier and that is where the change to extraordinary took place!

As the two of us stepped up on the pier, I noticed a pelican sitting on the other end.  I assumed that the bird would take flight as soon as he realized that we were venturing his way but he seemed unconcerned about our presence.  We were about ten feet from him before he decided that Ms. Ez's sniffing was making him uncomfortable enough to soar low over the water to my brother's pier.  There was nothing unusual about a pelican on the pier.  I have seen far more than my share and the evidence left behind nightly proves that they like to roost there!  Like I said..the pelican was not the extraordinary event...what I noticed after he left was.

It was not until the dog and I made our way to the far end of the pier, that I took notice of the unusual colors around me.  The water was purple!  Yes!  Purple!  The sun setting in the west had cast an rare purple hue upon the waters of the Bay.  The pelicans and ducks were but silhouettes on a lavender wash!  This made me feel as if I was in some mystical place where the waters change colors and the sky is always acting like a kaleidoscope!  It was most breathtaking and mystifying!  I am used to seeing the reds and oranges of the sunsets reflected on the water but this purple was majestic to say the least!

It never ceases to amaze me just how things can change so quickly.  Moments after I took the photographs, the Bay returned to its natural sunset hued self and all was back to normal.  If I had not been on the pier at that exact time, I would have never experienced the magical moment that I had!  Folks...get outside and be a part of this amazing thing called nature!  You will not regret it in the least!

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