Friday, December 14, 2012

Glistening in the sun....

Every now and again, something catches my eye and holds my attention for a good while.  It does not have to be some earthshaking phenomenon to do this..sometimes..most of the times it is some tiny thing that most would overlook.  The other evening, Ms. Ez and I had settled in to watch the sunset.  She seems to enjoy the view as much as I do!  There was just one problem!  Even though the western sky was "alive" with the most spectacular show of colors, my attention was elsewhere.  I was staring at the water's surface.  I even went so far as to get down flat on the pier to take photographs!  The scene on the water was made more spectacular because of the gorgeous performance of the sun and I was totally enthralled!

The first thing that caught my eye was the reflection of the pier posts in the water.  The tide was low exposing all of the barnacles on the posts but from my position on the pier, it was honestly hard to tell just where a post ended and the reflection began!  The setting sun cast a beautiful golden glow on the posts and the water!  I am not sure if anyone but a fisherman or a Bayou Woman would ever call pier posts beautiful, but in some strange sort of way...they were!  While I was photographing the light dancing around on the posts, I noticed something on the water..seeds!  The Sea Myrtle bushes had shed most of their wispy seeds by this point.  There were just a few remaining and the north wind was catching them and tossing them out into the Bay.  There, they would  sail across the water until they were flung into the rough waters.  Near the marsh and under the pier, the waters were slick calm which allowed the small, fluffy seeds to be scooted by the wind.  Once they were pushed out from shore a bit, the unprotected waters soon sogged the poor seed and made it sink to the bottom.  From where I was sitting on the pier, these fluffs glistened like gold from the late sun beaming on them!  One after another, the wisps sailed past the pier like tiny ships.  One after another, they met a devastating fate.

Yep, I can find the most mundane things fascinating!  Pier posts and seed pods captivated my attention for the better part of an hour.  I soon realized that it was getting dark and cold!  I looked at Ms. Ez, who by this time had decided to take a nap, and noticed that she was shivering!  Time to get my old dog back inside where it was a bit warmer!  Once inside, she got an extra treat for being so patient!

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