Thursday, December 13, 2012

Happy Reindeer!

My oldest brother is as bad as I am about rescuing anything that we deem reusable.  It matters not if it is something we might use ourselves, if we think anyone can use it, we save it!   That is what has gotten both of us in the predicament of mass clutter!  His is not as bad as mine as he has a nice shed to store these items..I have to use mine quickly or the place begins to look like a junkyard!  A couple of months ago, he rescued a deer!  An elderly couple had one of those lighted, wire yard sculptures of a reindeer that they asked him to haul to the dump.  Instead..he hauled it home.  I think he knew that it would be just a matter of time before I noticed the deer and asked for it.  I did...and well, the deer is sitting by my front step!

This morning, Michael and I started refurbishing my fantastic reindeer!  First, we had to figure out just how its head was attached because at the moment, the poor thing's antlers were inside its belly!  I had an inkling that this was not anatomically correct and we needed to do some sort of extraction.  Soon, Michael had him all in the right order. His head was on straight and he was proudly wearing his antlers on top of his head!  My reindeer was already looking much better but those ugly lights had to go!  Michael headed off to put down a bedding of hay in the dog pen where Ms. Ez likes to sun herself on cold days.  (Why we have a dog pen is beyond me since it does not even have a complete fence anymore but since Ms. Ez likes it..we keep it!)  I started ripping the lights from the wire frame.  This would not have been terribly hard except for the fact that when we reattached the head we did not use a lot of logic.  Wires were twisted this way and that around the frame!  I had to untangle, uncoil and eventually, literally, rip the light wires!

Just as I finished the job, Michael came around the corner and stared at my light-less reindeer. I proudly announced that I had the reindeer all de-lighted!  Michael's comment?  "Yep, he does look pretty happy at that." and delighted...ok! Tomorrow, I will get a can of paint to do him over in black.  I have this vision in my head of wrapping this frame with grapevines or wisteria vines to make a more natural, rustic version of a lawn sculpture!  I will be sure to photograph the process and final results!  But for deer does look a lot happier so I suppose it is really delighted!  I am, too!

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