Monday, December 31, 2012

Looking on the Bright Side!

Today was a dreary, dreary day on the Bayou.  The end of the 2012 seemed to be fading out instead of going out with a bang!  I awoke to grey skies, I gathered firewood under grey skies and Ms. Ez and I hiked under grey skies. Not once did Ole Mr. Sun poke his head out to brighten our day.  All of this greyness made me cold.  The temperature was not bad at about 50 degrees but I suppose it was just because the sun was not out to warm me that I felt chilled the whole day through.  The fire in the woodstove burned brightly and I pulled on an extra sweater but to no avail.  So!  I baked!  If all else fails, heat up the oven and bake cookies!  There is just something about the aroma of freshly baked cookies to warm up the place!

All of this greyness brought about a case of the mullygrubs as Grandmother used to say.  Once I finished the outside chores, I puttered around inside the Little Bayou House.  There are just so many cookies one can bake without tiring of even that job!  With my chair pulled up to the window overlooking the Bayou, I sat and stared..pondering the coming year.  Was it to be as bleak as this day?  Surely not!  As I lounged about, a bit of brightness suddenly appeared in the room!  On the opposite wall, a bit of a rainbow danced with delight.  What was causing this?  There was no sunshine to beam through the window!  I knew that my prisms and crystals often caused rainbows to play about the room but that was on sunny days not grey, dismal days!  The rainbow of colors stayed for quite some time but only in that one spot.  None of the other prisms nor the crystals were forming any rainbows at all.

Perhaps this was a sign!  If not, at least I will think of it as one!  It is a happy sign!  Just in time for the beginning of the year.  I shall take this as an indication that even in the darkest hour, there will be some light..some good will be lurking among the bad..a smile hidden among the scowls and frowns.  If a prism can seek out the tiniest speck of light and cast beautiful rainbows upon the wall, I should be able to find something to smile about each day despite of how dreary I may think that day is! is a sign..a sign for the new year.  With the dawning of a new year, look for the smiles, the kindness, the goodness, the rainbows.  They are there...blessings if we seek them.

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