Saturday, December 1, 2012


Today was a happy day at the Little Bayou House!  Darling Daughter, Elizabeth, came to visit!  Her time here is always filled with much happiness for me as I do not get to see her often.   She lives in Columbus, Mississippi with her husband, Robbie.  Whenever she can get a free weekend to come to the Bayou, our days are most likely to be filled with some sort of crafting and much chatter as we need to catch up on both.  This weekend has been no different.  We each worked on projects but chattered and giggled far more than worked.  I decided that I must share two of the items that she created while here.  

As she told me, she spent her time "Pursing". Nope..she did not sit and pucker her lips which is the dictionary's definition of the word (and notice, her word is capitalized!).  Instead, she made purses! Elizabeth handcrafts the most astounding purses and handbags!  Most folks do not realize how involved the process is.  As she cut, ironed, pinned, sewed and more to create the bags, I felt a bit "under" creative. (If that is even a proper phrase.)  Anyway, the detail that she puts into these wonderful bags truly makes them works of art!  I am impressed with the quality and durability of each one she makes.  Each bag is beautifully stitched and is even lined with gorgeous fabric!  Another plus to her bags is that no two are ever alike!

Elizabeth's "Pursing" efforts are definitely something that she should keep doing!  Also, her coming to the Coast is something she should keep doing!  After all, it makes her mom happy!

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