Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Sentries of the Bayou

Standing watch..guarding the territory..on it what you may, sometimes the job just has to be done.  This evening, there were a number of sentries standing watch over the Bay.  Two piers over from ours, my Uncle Alfred's old pier stands in much decay.  He does not live there any longer as he has moved to Missouri.  Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the pier and the new owners of the place have not made any effort to replace or repair the old pier.  Some of the posts still stand creating the perfect place for a group of Brown Pelicans to roost for the night.  Each evening they fly to the posts and start squabbling over who has the rights to the tallest post.  Since the posts are far out in the water with no connecting boards to the shoreline, these posts provide safe snoozing for the birds.  Once they finish their spats, the pelicans settle in for the evening.  The ones on the taller posts stand watch over the Bayou.  From their vantage points, they can see any potential predators that might be wishing for a meal of pelican!

It takes a lot to cause the old Brown Pelicans to panic about anything.  They know that their sheer size is often enough to intimidate predators.  This keeps them safe!  Occasionally, however, some critter will try to attack.  It is then that the birds send up a ruckus that would turn the tables on any predator smaller that a Rhinoceros!  Well, perhaps the claim of a rhino in the area is pushing it a bit but you get the idea!  Tonight, the birds had settled in for a cold, windy evening.  Their feathers were fluffed out and most were trying to tuck their heads under their wings.  Sitting on the high posts might not be worth  the squabble.  It seems to me that they should have huddled together to stave off the cold.  Instead, the elders took their places upon the high posts and the youngsters settled in below.  I wonder just how many will be diving at daybreak or if they all will be still tucking their heads trying to find a bit of is so cold out there.  Sorry, Pelicans, I cannot help you.  Keep warm and safe!

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