Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sasha finds a home!

Darling Daughter, Elizabeth and her husband, Robbie, have this habit of collecting animals.  It seems almost as if they are magnets for every stray within a hundred miles or so.  This is how they have acquired each of their furry friends.  They rescue the critters from abuse and abandonment.  This is all fine and dandy except when they pick up more than they can house!  If you recall, Sunny, the pup was a rescue dog.  I fostered this puppy until they were able to provide it a forever home with a nice backyard.  I did not mind..too much!  But, now Sunny has grown into a beautiful dog and she is good company for them.  They also have two rescued cats, Dexter and Pouncer.  Everything was rosy....until...another puppy tugged at the heartstrings.  This time, the puppy was abandoned and Robbie found it under his car one cold, wintry day.  Poor baby!  Naturally, he brought it home.  The puppy charmed its way into their lives but they knew that their house was already pet-full.  The little pup needed a true, forever home.  Still, they cared for the tiny animal, took it to the vet for a checkup and shots, got rid of fleas and made it feel welcome.  They knew that they could not keep another animal but also knew that they could not do what the previous family had done.  Robbie and Elizabeth care about animals far too much to throw one out like some rubbish.

That said, they worked hard to find a home for the newly named "Sasha".  This was going to be a daunting job.  For days, Robbie and Elizabeth's attempts were met with "Cute puppy but no...", "How adorable but no..." and so on.  Then last night, she said that I should ask my friends if someone could provide a good home for Sasha.  I turned to the computer and social networking.  By this morning, several people expressed interest but two very nice folks were truly interested.  Greg and Beth kept corresponding with us about the pup and by this evening, they had decided that Sasha was to be part of their family!  I was elated since Greg had grown up with my son and I knew he and his wife would take good care of Sasha.  The little puppy that was once considered to be trash that could be tossed to the wayside, would now have a happy home. Her new place has lots of room to run and play and the best part..there is a little girl for Sasha to love!  I am sure that Sasha and Madison will soon be the best of friends!

Don't you just love happy endings? much happier could it get than when something like this takes place.  Thank you, Greg and Beth!  Not only have you provided a home for a puppy but you will have a lifelong friend...a little pup named Sasha!

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