Thursday, January 31, 2013

Could I have been Polly?

Ok, so I really should stop digging about in all of the old trunks in the Little Bayou House.  It has been a week of finding long-lost treasures!  These might seem like worthless junk to most folks but to me they are all priceless treasures!  They are things that take me back to a lifetime ago..back to my childhood.

Once such thing is a little book that I came across today as I was digging through a chest that held a lot of antique bric-a-brac that my mother had saved.  She was a great one to hang onto a lot of unique and wonderful items that might also be described as useless!  I do the same.  Now the collection has burgeoned as I not only have hers but things that I added as well!  It is a doubly large collection!  It is exciting!  The little  book in question is torn and tattered but priceless beyond compare! (Well, probably not!)  When I uncovered the book, I was transported back eons ago when I first discovered it!  The book was wedged between two large volumes of encyclopedias on Mom's shelf. Perhaps that elusiveness was what thrilled me!    The book, however, is adorable!  I can remember being fascinated by the pictures long before I could read the words.  The book is entitled "Polly Through The Crystal" and is the story of a young girl with a vivid imagination.  She sees Brownies that are from Rhymeland and soon becomes small like them.  She has several adventures with the Brownies!  (And who ever hears of Brownies any more?  Brownies being a form of faerie.)

The little book brought back all sorts of memories..not just of the book itself but of my own imaginative dreams of faeries, Brownies and elves.  I sat for a few minutes just thinking of days past and then put the little book up in the china cabinet with a lot of other treasures. Hmmm..I could have been Polly at some point in my life..back when I had visits from Brownies and faeries.  Yep...treasures!

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