Friday, January 4, 2013

The Artist

Every once in a great while, you come across an unknown artist that simply astounds with their talent.  This fully makes you wonder just why the artist is not acclaimed in the art world as they should be!  I was honored by one such artist.  She asked if she could use one of my photographs as a basis of a painting.  The photograph in question is one that I took of the ole alligator that often visits the Bayou.  It seems that this artist wanted to paint a picture for her sister and it just so happens that her sister really liked alligators!  As I said...I was honored.  The answer was "yes"..she could use my photograph.  Later, I was sent a photograph of her painting!  I was so impressed at the detail she had put into the artwork!  Why...I do believe that the painting was more realistic than the photograph!  The painting is just that well done!  Ole 'gator would be proud!

Ole 'gator as photographed!

The artist in question?  Natalie Barker!  She is a friend of my daughter's and, over the past couple of years, has become a friend of mine.  I knew that the young lady dabbled in painting but had no idea that she was this amazingly talented!  She truly outdid herself with this painting!

Ole 'gator as painted by artist, Natalie Barker!

I am glad there are young talented artists waiting to paint the world.  We all need artists such as Natalie Barker who can and do see the beauty in our surroundings.  We need those who want to replicate the loveliness of nature and preserve it for future generations.

 *A personal message to Natalie...keep painting.  Your work brings a lot of smiles and the world so needs every bit of happiness it can get.  Keep painting...Mother Nature needs artists like you to remind others in the world to cherish her works.  Keep have only barely touched on the talent that you hold.  Keep painting, Natalie, keep painting.


  1. Replies
    1. No, Natalie. Thank you. Thank you for sharing your talents with the world. Without people like you, this old world would be a most dismal place. Also, your efforts to paint wildlife brings an awareness of the beauty of nature. As I said before..Keep painting!
