Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Pendant

On the mantel, there stands a photograph of a lovely young lady.  She is dressed in her finest as this picture was taken when she graduated from the local school.  A smaller version of the photograph was later given to a young suitor who came to win her hand.  He was a sailor and would not be able to marry her yet, but promised to be true to her forever.  Next to the photograph, there stands a small ivory frame holding a pendant.  This pendant is also ivory and is carved with a bouquet of flowers.  (Keep in mind, this was from far back in the day when ivory was considered a usable product.)  The pendant was a gift from the young sailor to his girl.  She wore the pendant while he was at sea..keeping it close to her heart.  Then one day, much to her dismay, the chain broke and the pendant was lost.  Her heart ached as this was a gift from her beloved.  What was she to do?  She searched and searched for the pendant.  Knowing that the young man was expecting a letter from her soon, she was in hopes of finding the pendant so she would not have to relate the bad news.  The sailor would have understood and most likely would have tried his best to replace the lost gift but she had not wanted to hurt his feelings.  Finally late one evening, there was a knock at the door and when it was opened, a gentleman handed her the pendant!  Back in the day, folks were honest and would go to extreme measures to find the rightful owners of found objects..especially something so special as this necklace.  Needless to say, she was overjoyed to once again hold her pendant!  She vowed to never lose it again...Why!..She would never trust another chain again!  From that day forward, the pendant was safety-pinned inside her purse.  It went everywhere that she went!  If for some reason, she changed purses, the pendant was the first thing transferred into the new handbag!  When the sailor came home again, he asked about the necklace.  The young lady, then, broke down and told him the truth..that she had lost it but that all was well, as it was found!  He wanted to get her a new chain but she insisted that the pendant would stay right where it was....and it did...forever and ever.

The young couple in the story above was my grandparents.  The tale of their love was always one that inspired me to no end.  Yes, it started with a lovely ivory pendant but it did not end there.  Even when they had lived a long life, he adored her and she did him.  I can remember even when they were in their later years, he would pick a single daisy for her.  If it was in the midst of winter, a small, pretty stone or a sprig of holly would replace the posy.  It did not matter that the gift was simple, it was the gift of love that was highly important.  They both knew that.  It was endearing to watch this couple as you could see the love that emanated from them.  It was almost as if their love was an aura that floated about them and literally glowed whenever they were together.  This love did last forever..through sickness and health..through good times and bad..through all that life could throw at them.  It was there until the end.

Now, I have the photograph of the lovely young lady and the pendant..the gift from her sailor.  I look at these often and ponder about how things used to be so long ago.  Perhaps the example set by these two impressed me so much that I still believe in love everlasting..that it is not some faerie tale.  Sure, times have changed but, today, when Mark picked a single camellia for brought back memories.  Sometimes, it is the little things that speak the loudest..the softest whisper..the single flower..a favorite pendant.  Forever and ever....

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