Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Little Bit of Sunshine!

This old cold has put up a tough fight but I do believe I am whipping it!  I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel!  Oh, wait...that is that thing commonly known as the sun..something we have not seen for about at week! Seriously...on both accounts..I am beginning to feel some better AND the sun did shine on the Bayou today!  (Or perhaps that is why I feel better!)  Anyway, this is the first day that I have been out and about the hillside in what seems to be ages!  I took full advantage of that sunshine!

Mark and I headed to the pier to check his boat after the torrential downpours.  I snapped a few photographs of some ducks and a lone osprey before heading back up the hill. The wind was a tad brisk and I was starting to get chilled.  I had better not press my luck!  As I made my way back up the board path, a glint of bright yellow caught my eye!  What?  Could my eyes be deceiving me or are the Jonquils blooming?  With a little glee in my heart, I quickened my step!  I REALLY needed to see something bright and cheery!  Sure enough..there under the blueberry bushes, the Jonquils were bobbing their heads in the breeze! Ahh, just the thing to make me feel so much better!

The little Jonquils always make me smile. I can remember as a child being allowed to pick as many as I wanted out of "Grandmother's Garden"!  Although, my grandfather did all the work in the garden, he always said it was Grandmother's.  Every year, the Jonquils were among the first flowers to bloom.  Sometimes the ground would still be covered with frost but those sunny, yellow blooms would be dancing in the wind.  I was always careful to not "overpick" the blooms but four or five would be carried in the house.  These would be presented to Grandmother and I would receive praise and hugs for the "most lovely bouquet"!  Grandmother would always say how she thought they looked like lovely hats!  She would then take down a vase and help me to arrange the blooms.  Perhaps it was more the special time spent with my grandparents than it was the flowers, but was happy!  These days, the sunny, yellow "hats" still bring smiles!  I needed those smiles!

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