Friday, February 15, 2013

With One's Nose Stuck Up in the Air!

I can remember once in a great while hearing how someone had their nose stuck up in the air.  Usually this phrase was mentioned about one certain distant cousin of mine who thought she was "high and mighty".  Not that she was any better than the rest of us but she would let us know that she indeed was among the elite!  She had "married into money" and was a tad uppity. From all reports, her ideal, wealthy husband owned numerous businesses in New York and they "jet-setted" all across the world.  The phrase was most likely uttered at some family reunion type get-together that she refused to attend because, well, we were just not cultured enough for someone of her status.  Years later, word got out that all was not perfect in her Utopian world but her pride would not let her ever admit it.  Funny how things like that work out and sure make you appreciate your own little bit of Paradise no matter how homely it may be.  None of the rest of the family ever called her to terms over her "little white lie" and we still invited her to our family doings even though she never came.  According to some of the old aunts, this cousin "still had her nose stuck in the air"!

Snapping turtle poking its head out of the water.

I had to giggle over this phrase today as I sat on the pier staring into the muddy water.  In the shallows, I could see the clear outline of an old snapping turtle as it was stirring up the bottom probably in search of its first meal after the winter hibernation.  The turtle was obviously a bit sluggish from the cool water but was not particularly skittish of my presence.  Not that it needed to be, since with those powerful jaws, it more or less rules the Bayou.  Still, it stayed just under the water most of the time.  I was amazed at how long the critter could hold its breath!  I goodness! seemed like it was underwater forever!  Then, I noticed..and felt a tad stupid!  The turtle WAS breathing!  I had not seen as it would poke the tip of its nose out of the water for a split second..just long enough to grab a breath!  The snapping turtle has this unique nose where the nostrils sit right up on top!  This allows it to stay hidden underwater or under the mud and yet still breathe.  What a great idea!  The turtle could lie in wait for some prey to wander past and yet be completely comfortable!  I watched and sure enough, every few minutes, the water would ripple.  Just a tiny bit of the nose would break the surface and then disappear from sight!  One quick breath was all it took!  The turtle had stuck its nose in the air!

Snapping turtle poking just its nostrils out of the water!

In my mind's eye, I saw the scene well!  A few old spinster aunts whispering as they balanced their plates of fried chicken, baked beans and potato salad on their knees!  "Uppity Miss Turtle!  Just who does she think she is?  Hmmmph...why she is no better than the rest of us!"  "She needs to come down off of that high horse and realize we are just as good!"  "That Dearie has her shorts in a wad! Prancing around with her nose stuck up in the air!".....  Giggle, giggle!  Snicker, snicker!  Poor snapping turtle..all it wanted to do was breathe!

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