Friday, February 22, 2013

Greater or Lesser?

In spite of the drizzly rain this morning, Ms. Ez wanted out!  I have learned one thing having this dog around..when a large dog wants out, you best open that door!  She and I headed out on our hike regardless of the fact that the rains told us to stay inside!  She raced down the hill to do her business then met me at the pier.  After bailing out the boat (we had torrential rains last night), I noticed  a lone duck out on the Bay.  I pondered the fact of how this poor duck missed his flight partners and was more or less stranded to migrate home by himself.  That would not be fun at all!  The sun poked its head out just long enough for me to scoot to the end of the pier for photographs of the duck.  I wanted to have a reference guide when identifying it later.  From what I could see, it was a smallish duck with a black head and white sides.  That could be only one duck that I knew but just on the outside chance I was wrong, I would pull out my bird guides.  I was betting on it being a Scaup!

After looking at the picture book, I decided that I am right on one account.  It was a Scaup but which kind?  There is a Greater Scaup and a Lesser Scaup!  These two ducks look mightily similar in appearance!  This would have to go deeper than just coloring!  I read on...the Greater Scaup is larger than the Lesser Scaup.  (Perhaps the reasoning behind the names?) The Greater Scaup has a pronounced knob on the bill whereas the Lesser has a smaller knob.  And...although both ducks have a "bump" on the backs of their heads, the Greater's is more pronounced!  Well, it just sounds like that Greater Scaup is bigger all over!  Then the definitive bit of seems that the Lesser Scaup is the one that winters on the Gulf Coast!!  I think I found my Scaup!

This is a pretty little duck and it seemed to be genuinely happy to be paddling around the pier.  I know that this is just for a matter of days but he did brighten up an otherwise dreary morning!  That sooner did I get a few pictures of the duck than I heard grumbling off to the south.  Over the Gulf, I could see dark clouds gathering.  Ms. Ez and I had to hurry back to the Little Bayou House before we got soaked!  Little Duck, I hope to see you tomorrow!  Happy hunting for breakfast!

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