Saturday, February 23, 2013

No need for alarm!

This morning, I had to bail out the boat once again.  The overnight rains did a fine job of filling it up!  While sitting in the boat dumping water over the side, I saw a slight movement to my left.  Since I was literally sitting in the marsh, I was a bit concerned that this might be some critter that would jump in the boat with me!  Not that I would have minded a visit from an otter or even a nutria but who knows what else might be roaming around in the muck and mire?!  I stared at the marsh a bit all the while bailing.  I figured if I stopped my sloshing, the critter would surely notice and not venture out of the reeds.

I almost giggled aloud when I realized that I had no need for concern.  My critter was none other than the small Rail.  My tiny bird friend was merely out finding breakfast this early morn.  I watched as she lightly hopped over the mudflats chasing the bull minnows.  Food was scarce this morning as most of the minnows had left the area.  Still she hunted.

I started thinking about my little friend and how in a few months she will bring her little ones out for me to view.  For the past few years, she has brought her brood out to show me.  I feel honored when she does this and have noticed that they keep close watch on their mom.  One flick of that bright white tail and they scurry to hide in the marsh.  Normally she has no problem with me or Ms. Ez being there but let someone else stride upon the pier and she warns her babies to take cover!  I do not know why she feels so safe around me or the dog but I am glad she does!  This gives me the opportunity to photograph the cute black fluffballs of chicks!  Today, however, I thought about how that white tail is used as a warning signal by a few other animals as well.  Both the deer and the rabbits around the Bayou use their tails as flags to alert their young of impending danger.  Hmmm...I wonder if this is some universal alarm system among animals?

This morning, however, there was no call for alarm.  All was quiet on the Bayou.  Mama Rail could feed without worry.

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