Sunday, February 3, 2013

Just before dawn..

Once again, I was up long before the dawn.  The coffee pot was brewing at four thirty and by five thirty I was headed to the pier.  There was no use in sitting inside on such a fine morning.  By the looks of the eastern sky, the sunrise was not going to be spectacular but anytime I can sit on the pier is a good time!  The peace of the morning calms my spirit and helps me to face the day.  I have not been sleeping well this whole week and I was going to need every bit of strength I could muster to face another day.  This peace thing was definitely needed!

Ms. Ez and I headed down the board path to the pier, I could feel a slight mist hitting my face.  This was not rain, just a fog that builds over the marsh at night.  It felt refreshing..already I was beginning to feel better!  A rabbit bounded out from under the pier and caught Ez's attention.  I am glad she has sense enough to stay focused on our trek without striking out through the marsh after rabbits!  This did pique her interest, though, so she padded softer on the pier planking.  She was aware of the many critters in the marsh.  The north wind had pushed the tide out from the marsh leaving a wide band of mudflats.  As I neared this, I could hear a soft crunching.  Something was getting breakfast!  I peered through the darkness.  Four small figures could be seen not twenty feet from me.  Ahh, a group of baby raccoons were digging in the mud for clams. These babies were obviously just booted from the nest.  They looked to be only about two or three pounds apiece!   Even though I knew it would be highly unlikely that I could get a clear picture of them because of the darkness, I had to try at least.  As soon as I picked up the camera, Ms.Ez sat!  She knows the routine well!  This meant that I found something interesting and she was not to frighten it away by moving!  The tiny raccoons continued to scavenge the mudflats with Ms. Ez and I watching their every move!  Needless to say, the pictures did not turn out too well but at least the little coons made the morning amusing for me!  I actually snickered out loud as I watched them with their tails held high out of the mud! They eventually wandered too far down the shoreline and were out of sight.

As the sun started rising in the east, I thought of how blessed I am to live on the Bayou.  I would be hard pressed to find another place that could feel so much like home to me.  My critter friends, the peace of the morn and even the marsh mist, delight me.  Well, time to head back to the Little Bayou House...I can face anything the day has to throw at me!  Amazing what four, tiny critters can do for the spirit!

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