Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Old Dogs and Firm Rules

The weather is still not cooperating with my health!  We have been having quite a bit of heavy rain and just generally messy weather which is something that I would just as soon avoid while being ill.  I just cannot seem to shake this nasty cold.  So while I sprawl out on the sofa or plop myself in the chair next to the window, I can only dream of hiking the hillside.  Ms. Ez dreams of it, also.  This causes her to "run and bark" as she chases some hapless squirrel in her dreams. Thank goodness, I have not reached that stage yet!  It might come soon if something does not break one way or the other.  Either I had better get well or Old Mr. Sun had better shine because "Cabin Fever" is about to take hold of me!

Earlier today, Michael decided he had better go check on the old boat that is moored at the pier.  This is  just a small skiff that Mark uses when catching mullet.  With all of the rain, the boat might be nigh on sinking.  He had gone out the back door but Ms. Ez noticed his every movement.  She looked so dejected seeing him walk down that hill with her being trapped inside.  Aww...poor puppy!  I knew she would return soaking wet and smelling..well..like a wet dog, but I could not stand it.  I flung open the door and told her to have fun!  She bolted out the door and plowed right through the closed gate.  It was a good thing that Mark had forgotten to latch it last night!  Ezzy barreled down the hill to Michael's side!  She was the happiest that I have seen her in days...no..a week!  She raced circles around him!  Each time she passed him, he would reach out and pat her head.  Oh, I can only imagine how much she was loving this!!! I watched as they reached the pier and wondered if she would remember "The Rule" or if her exuberance would cause a momentary lapse in memory.  One of the rules that I strictly enforce is that she walk (not run) BEHIND me on the pier.  More than once, I have been close to being knocked off the pier by an unruly dog!  This was not going to happen with Ez! She and I had worked on her behavior and she even gets miffed if visiting dogs do not follow The Rule! I watched to see her reaction.

Ezzy bounded about twenty feet down on the pier.  She turned and headed back to get in line behind Michael as he stepped up on the planking!  Good dog!   She remembered!  Once they were on the pier, she walked calmly behind him all the way to the boat.  There she waited patiently until he was finished with his chore.  The walk back up the pier was calm and steady!  I was so proud of her!  That lasted just until she was off the planking.  Once he gave her the word, she was off like a rocket! Round and round the yard she raced pausing only long enough to receive that pat on the head!  By the time she came inside, she was panting heavily but seemed to be smiling ear to ear!  Somehow, you just have to love old dogs and their attempts at pleasing everyone!  Good Old Ez...and if I have to be replaced for a few days, I am sure glad it is Michael who will stand in my stead.  He has the patience to love old dogs as much as I do.  (Note.. If you notice in the picture, Michael is indeed wearing shorts, a t-shirt and no shoes. Yes, it is cool and rainy here. This is his standard garb..summer or winter.  Brrr!)

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