Monday, February 11, 2013

Stuck indoors and hating it!

Today, it rained most of the day and when it was not raining it was blowing something fierce.  Still feeling a mite poorly, I decided I had better stay inside the snug Little Bayou House.  There was no reason to maybe make things worse by getting sopping wet!  Several times, I sat at the table and just stared out the window towards the Bay.  I longed to be on that pier! Sitting inside aggravates the ever-living daylights out of me and rarely being ill, I am not used to this lounging around bit!

Since there was no hope of my escape again today, I started looking a few pictures that I had recently taken.  One in particular stood out as my favorite!  I was drawn to it perhaps for several reasons, one being that it was of the Bayou!  This is one of my favorite places in the world!  The crooks and turns of the waterways gives the Bayou a bit of mysterious lure.  In these turns, one can become disoriented and find it difficult to return to the Bay.  Not that it is a deep, dark and dank place, but there are just so many twists and turns!  It is sort of like a marsh maze!  With one wrong turn, you could wind up going in circles!  The picture shows Ole Gus, the pelican, paddling happily about in the sunshine. This, too, might account for my liking the photograph!  Ole Gus has been a friend for quite some time and, well, sunshine on the water is always happy!   Ole Gus is one of the fixtures of Bayou life.  This one particular pelican has taken to stealing food from the pier whenever it suits him!  He has no qualms about padding up the pier to swipe a mullet from my net!  I really have to watch my bait bucket!  Ms. Ez, the dog, has more fun trying to nip at Ole Gus's tail when he is on one of his thieving escapades.  It is never malicious on her part..just fun.

As I sat looking at photographs and listening to the rain pelt the rooftop, my thoughts also turned to gardening, fishing and hiking.  Geez, I sure will be glad when this illness decides to leave!  I miss my outdoors...and poor Ms. Ez is about as miserable as I am!  Without me, her roaming time has been cut to nil.  I guess we are two of a kind..we both would rather be on the Bayou with Ole Gus!

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