Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What happened to winter?

I am supposing that spring must be right around the corner.  The weather is warm with our high temperatures reaching mid-seventies on some days and the spring fogs build up on the Bayou each night.  This is all good news for some folks but I want to know...what happened to winter?  I am not even sure we had one night of freezing temperatures this year!   It is only the first part of February but all signs point to winter being over for this year.

Gnats!  Gnats are here and after my blood with a vengeance!   They bombard a person as soon as the screen door is opened and refuse to let me work my gardens!  At this rate, the tomato seeds shall never be planted in the hotbed!  Seriously..with no cold weather, the gnats and other bugs are going to be horrendous this year.  Nothing has stood in the way of their reproduction so the billions of bugs will devour just about anything (me included) that is outdoors.  I am not looking forward to this at all!  Yep..I sure miss those winter freezes!

Birds!  Birds are here, there and everywhere!  The migrating birds are confused as to just which direction their flights should be taking.  I have some flying south while others are heading north...others have just given up any attempts and have settled in for the duration.  The feeders stay full even though there are enough bugs crawling around to feed them all.  I am tempted to take down the feeders in an attempt at luring them to taste a bug or two.  It is far too easy for them to grab a bite from the feeder!  That hunting thing is not for lazy birds!  Of course, the American Goldfinches pretty much feed solely on seeds so their hanging on the feeders is nothing unusual.  Their changing of colors is a harbinger of the coming warmer weather, though!  The bright yellow feathers of their breeding plumage definitely means spring is in the air!

Plants!  Plants everywhere have started sprouting their new growth!  I am a bit iffy in regards to this since we may still get some wintery weather and that might prove to be the undoing of a lot of the new growth and buds.  The peach trees have decided to start pushing the season with their blooms..something that does concern me a bit.  This might mean no peaches for my pantry this year.  Mom always used to say that we would get an "Easter Freeze" and she may be right.  With Easter Sunday falling at the end of March this year, a freeze is a real possibility!  Late freeze = no peaches!  Not good...not good at all!

The slim chance that spring is here brings a lot of questions to a gardener.  Do I dare take the chance with my tender plants?   Will the blooming orchard trees be allowed to set fruit?  How do I fight the multitudes of bugs attacking every living plant in the garden?  We shall just have to wait and see.  There is still plenty of chance for a cold spell before my tomato seeds germinate!  Come on, Old Man Winter..you can do it!  Whip up one bout of cold, freezing weather for me!

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