Sunday, March 3, 2013

Steps to Nowhere...

It is amazing to me that after this long, I am still finding things from Hurricane Katrina.  Items are being uncovered either as we clear new spaces or are being uncovered by Mother Nature herself.  Back a few weeks ago, I noticed that behind the Peach Orchard, a side of a stairs was rotting away in the creek.  The storm surge had plopped the nine step riser there nearly eight years ago.  It was just one of the many such items that came from homes across the Bay.  Some as far away as the Front Beach which is on the other side of Biloxi from us.

Today, when Mark and I were on one of our hikes about the hillside, we stumbled upon a recently bared object.  It was the matching riser to the nine step one in the back of the house.  This one however lay out in the marsh.  It had not gotten as far as its mate.  For years now, it lay snagged in the marsh and with the recent high tides and extremely potent southerly winds, it was laid bare.  I photographed the stair part and pondered just where this piece had originated.  Some of the items that floated in were easy to identify.  Books with nameplates, purses with identification cards and even parts of vintage homes came with their own calling cards.  ( Identifying the homes came by way of a book of architectural pieces from vintage Coast homes.)   This stair riser had no easy identification tag.  Still, somewhere, a home was demolished and the steps made their way across miles and miles of water to be washed inland on our property.  Perhaps once these belonged to some beautiful home but now, the steps lead nowhere.  In a way, it puts storms in a weird sort of perspective.  Steps to Nowhere.  This is exactly how a lot of folks felt after the storm..they were taking steps to nowhere.  The Coast lay in despair. Most of the homes were in shambles as is obvious of the riser in our marsh.  Steps to Nowhere..just where do you turn when everything is ripped from your grasp..when your world is suddenly turned topsy-turvy? .....You turn to God and to each other.  You take somewhere..anywhere.  You start take steps forward.  This is exactly what Biloxi and surrounding areas did..we moved forward.  Yes, we look back.  We would not be human if we did not.  But our goal is in front of us so we step forward and keep stepping forward.  The "Steps to Nowhere" are reminders but are also inspiration pieces.  It just takes time.

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