Sunday, July 28, 2013

Marsh Rice Rat

Mark and I were out sitting in the wicker chairs this afternoon when suddenly a small critter darted across the pathway.  Hmmm...that sure did not look like a squirrel!  There was no telltale fluffy tail on this animal!  He and I watched as the critter started to dig after some unseen tidbit hidden in the soft sand.  Yep..a Marsh Rice Rat had come out of the Sawtooth Palmetto clump to get a bite to eat. (And I have no clue why they are called "Rice" rats!)  Nothing unusual about that..we knew there was a family of rats living there.  Mark had seen a couple several times before but since they were right next to the marsh, we decided to let them be.  Now if the rats decided to move closer to the would be extermination time for sure!  In the meantime, Ms. Put has been presenting us with several rats daily as proof of her earning her keep.  She does a grand job of ridding the place of any that pop their heads above ground but the tunneling voles are about to run her ragged.  This rat, however, was a bit nervy!  Here it was just after noon and the critter was wandering about the hillside!  What happened to them being nocturnal?

The rat moved from digging acorns to eating a mushroom.  I suppose the nuts were too hard to find and the mushroom did indeed look tasty!  Hmmm?  I wonder?  I grabbed my camera and eased my way down the board path that leads to the pier.  The rat had wandered to the edge of the path all the while eating its mushroom.  I knew the critter could see my every move as there was nothing to hide me.  I just ambled down the path as if oblivious to its presence.  When I got to the large house-type bird feeder at the end of the path, I stopped.  There I could photograph said rat at my leisure!  The rat did not make any effort to hide or to even stop munching its lunch so I took a couple of dozen pictures before easing a bit closer.  Still the rat did not move! this was getting a mite creepy!  Perhaps this was some rabid rat!  Or maybe it could call all of its rat friends to attack if I attempted to harm it! imagination was getting the best of me again!  Still the rat just stared at me!

After a few more photographs, I decided to let the critter eat its mushroom in peace.  I know most folks would have the heebie-jeebies about having a nest of rats on the property but they actually do a service.  Rats eat most anything and will help to clear the marsh of decaying matter.  Like I said, if and when they do move up the hill, they are goners!  Besides Ms. Put, the cat, on patrol, I am sure I can find a few traps if necessary!  The rat also has to watch for the fox and the owls that would definitely love to dine upon her! These particular rats have a short life expectancy anyway.  With all of the predators in and around the marsh, they only live for about a year. For today, however, the rat can live.  I found it interesting and that was in the rat's favor.  Tread lightly, Mrs. Rat!  And make sure to teach your little ones to stay near the marsh!

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