Monday, July 29, 2013

Good deeds...warts and all....

Sometimes Ms. Ez worries me.  Lately, she has not been acting like her old self.  Usually, she is spot on when it comes to chasing critters about the hillside. I never had to worry about squirrels in the bird feeders or rabbits in the gardens.  Coons never stood a chance!  No matter where she saw one, she would race to chase them far into the marsh.  Now..either she has decided it is far too hot to do all that running or her senses are starting to wane.  I am a tad bit worried that her eyesight might be failing.  Each day sees her chasing a nonexistent critter up the same tree while the real deal simply ambles off to enjoy afternoon free from torment.  The dog also has problems with stepping on birds and small reptiles that might happen to be caught in the path to that old tree.  More than once a dove, turtle or frog has been literally flattened by the heavy feet of the seventy-plus pound dog that barrels out the front door.  Thank goodness for all of the rains this summer as the ground is soft.  When she smashes a critter, they usually survive!

One toad almost did not make it, though.  As Ms. Ez stormed out of the door, down the steps and out the gate to chase that nowhere-to-be-seen squirrel, she stepped right on top of the poor critter!  I rushed over to see if perhaps the poor thing needed some assistance but was fully relieved that no resuscitation was necessary!  (Thank goodness for (huge) blessings!  I do not think I could have even attempted resuscitating a toad!  Still, it is one of God's creatures and perhaps I could have just pressed its tummy or something!)  As I stared at the toad, I realized that it had received the full impact of the humongous dog paw while sitting on an old beam that forms the steps to the board path.  There was no soft, squishy dirt beneath the toad.  Poor little fellow!  He was still somewhat flat!  Squished!  And, not to mention, dazed!  I poked the toad and it gave me the most pathetic look.  "Are you going to smash me, too?" was what I imagined the toad would have said had it been able to speak to me.  Nope, Little Toad, I am not nearly as clumsy as Ms. Ez!  That was when I noticed that the lumbering dog was on her way back up the hill!  Oh, no!  That poor toad was going to be right in line for a second smashing if I did not do something quick!  Telling Ezzy to stop mid-run is like trying to stop a freight train heading down the tracks!  It ain't happenin'!  Not knowing what else to do, I reached down and scooped up the toad!  This frightened the poor critter as much as Ms. Ez's gigantic paw!  The toad, being totally incapacitated with pain and fear, did what came peed on me!  Ugh!  Little Toad, I was trying to help you!!!!  Well, so much for being kind!  So much for doing good deeds!  So much for saving nature!  No..I did not toss the toad away like some icky monster.  I merely (gently, I might add) placed it among the day lilies and wished it well.  Ugh...toad pee stinks!  Eww!  At least, contrary to all of the Old Wive's Tales, I should not be getting any warts from this toad....I hope!

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