Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pretty Posies!

I found another plant to add to my list of useful herbs!  The setting sun helped me to notice the Saltmarsh Fleabane that was growing just beside the pier.  For some reason, I have always seen it there but just never made the connection as to its identity.  Today, I really looked at the plant and was surprised at how I had overlooked it all these years.  Saltmarsh Fleabane also goes by a few other common names such as Sweetscent and Camphorweed.  Its actual name is a bit less poetic and a lot harder to say..Pluchea Odorata...although when you do call it by this, you may sound a bit more knowledgeable than when using Fleabane.  Fleabane conjures up the idea of mortar and pestles, herbs drying from the ceiling and a Bayou Woman....oops..well, if the shoe fits..!  Anyway, tomorrow will see me using the boat hook to pull a few of the closer plants into reach.  I really have no desire to tromp around in the mucky marsh with all of the moccasins and snapping turtles that reside there.  These will definitely be hanging from the ceiling in the entryway by late tomorrow evening if all goes well.

Saltmarsh Fleabane not only provides a lovely bit of color to the otherwise drab marsh, it has a wonderful property of being an insect repellent..hence the name.  I do find it a bit strange that something that attracts flying insects to its flowers can repel bugs when dried.  The dried leaves and flowers are pulverized and made into sachets to set about wherever you do not want critters hopping about.  I have heard tell that folks find the herb extremely useful in ridding fleas from pet beds. Stuffed inside the bedding (sewn the pet cannot get to it!), it will cause the fleas to leave the area.  I cannot attest to this as I have never tried it but, hey..if you have those hard-to-get-rid-of fleas..feel free to give it a try!  The Saltmarsh Fleabane is also said to be used for a number of other problems but the bug thing is what I am aiming for by using it.  Living on a Bayou, there are any number of critters that hope to make the Little Bayou House their house.  I am forever swatting some strange bug that has wandered inside.  Hopefully, this will help!

In the meantime, I will enjoy the flowers!  They are the most amazing shades of purple..with a bit of rosy pink and violet thrown in for good measure.  Set against the soft green of the foliage, this is quite striking. Singly, the blooms are not showy but when the entire plant is covered with the varying hues, it is beautiful! Since Saltmarsh Fleabane grows by rhizomes, I will try to uproot a few from the boggy mud.  Perhaps I can relocate a few to the Herb Garden!  Just imagine how lovely that would be!

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