Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Stalker!

Have you ever had that unnerving feeling that someone or something was watching you?  The feeling that causes the chill bumps to creep around on your back and neck.  I had that feeling today when I was out and about the yard.  I could just imagine those eyes..those eyes that were peering out of somewhere..anywhere. Peering at me..staring at me until it was almost creepy!  I was back by the Frog Pond when suddenly the feeling came over me.  Since I was by myself without the usual accompaniment of Ms. Ez, the dog, I thought it might be prudent to watch my step.  I never know when a moccasin might decide to visit the pond.  There is plenty of food there in the form of frogs.  That might, indeed, lure a snake!  Being extra alert, I made my way through the wisteria arbor and to the pond.  Still the feeling of being watched persisted but I saw nothing.  What was causing this?  Perhaps just my imagination?  I really sort of started missing that old dog even with her ever-bumbling, clod-hopping feet! At least she is good at spotting anything that is a potential critter to chase. But that lazy thing was still in bed!  She decided that an early morning hike was not on her agenda for the day and went back to sleep! this feeling was not leaving and I was bound and determined to locate who was finding me so interesting!  I sat down on the gravel path and decided to stare back..if I ever found the culprit!  Slowly, ever so slowly, I scanned the area.  I started out searching for the most obvious..something large.  Perhaps somewhere a rabbit or raccoon was eyeing me..curious yet too afraid to make their presence known.  I saw nothing large.  Then I scaled down my search.   Whatever it was, must be smaller and closer.  So I looked within a ten foot range..scanning a large circle that included parts of the pond.

I had to chuckle when I spied my admirer!  On one of the large leaves of the Water Hyacinths, a tiny American Green Tree Frog was peering at me!  It was peeking over the top of the leaf as if it was well truly was!  The tiny frog was the perfect green to sit in the curl of that leaf almost completely unseen!  "Aha!  I found you!"  I told the tiny frog.  With that, I promise you that the little frog smiled at me! He seemed mightily happy that our game of  "Hide and Seek" was going so well!  Now I was "It" but how was I ever going to hide from him!  Whew!  I sure felt better about who was my stalker!

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