Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Fire-breathing Dragon..or a demon in disguise!

I am sorry that there are no pictures with this post.  My normally excited picture-taking mind was a bit clouded by an incident that occurred this morning so the camera sat idle.  I had gotten up early and headed to the kitchen to put the coffee pot on to brew.  As soon as that was in order, I made my way through the house turning on different decorative lights and such.  One of the things was a candle warmer that was in the bathroom.  This held a jar-type candle that gave off the most delightful smell.  The aroma of herbs filled the air with this one candle!  After making my rounds, I threw in a load of laundry.  Leaving the laundry room, I heard the most awful racket!!!!  It was disgusting!  My first thought was Ms. Ez..oh, no!!! She couldn't be!  This sounded far too loud..not unlike a hippo with digestive problems.  (And I mean that in a huge way!!!)  Sputtering could be heard all the way at the other end of the house!  Ugh!  The dog must be quite ill! That was my only thought as I raced through the kitchen and into the dining room!  It was then that it hit me!  This was not the dog (thank goodness for huge blessings!) but was probably something far worse!  Smoke!  Thick black smoke met me in the hallway!  I rushed into the bathroom in time to see the candle warmer spit sparks and flames from under the bottom!  By this time, I was choking.  The foul smelling smoke was so thick, I could not breathe.  Holding my breath, I unplugged the fire-breathing dragon!  It was still smoking..and sputtering..and now burning!  I had to get out of that closed in room!  Grabbing the offender by the cord, I hurried into the kitchen where the thing got doused in dishwater!  Phew!  Now what?

My next thought was.."I am going to be asphyxiated right here and now!  Windows..doors..must open..everything!  Yep, I was like a wild woman flinging open every thing possible and with each..gasping for fresh air!  Whew!  Ok, a few fans were placed in strategic places to blow the fumes outside and all was well.  The fire-breathing dragon was now in the bottom of the sink..drowned!  I had overcome this demon!  Then son came into the house and asked if I was cooking something awful!  Uhhhh...NO!  But something almost cooked me!  He took the candle warmer apart to see just what happened to it.  Once the bottom was removed, charred pieces of stuff fell out.  It was unrecognizable..no wires..no heating element..nothing..nothing but soot.  Michael made me giggle, though, when (my computer tech son) said "Well, it looks like we just went wireless!"

So, folks, those nice candle warmers that are touted to be much safer than a lit candle?  They are not.  At least this one was not.  This thing could have burned down the Little Bayou House with me inside!  So now the candle sits back in the bathroom with a nice little book of matches next to it.  I will still use the candle just the old fashioned way..with a lit wick.  Hey..I have gone wireless!

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