Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Birds can be family..right?

This morning's quiet was abruptly interrupted by the loud "teakettle". No, I am not referring to the pot sitting on the stove that warms water for a nice cup of herbal tea but rather the song of the tiny Carolina Wren.  A pair of the birds had nested in the dying Black Gum tree that sits just outside my window.  This morning at daybreak, the bird hopped up on the potting shelf to act as my alarm clock!  "Teakettle, Teakettle, Teakettle!"  I promise that bird wanted me to hop out of bed and make a cup of tea!  I guess I had been lazy long enough!

These are some of my favorite little birds.  I have fond memories of them back as far as I can remember.  There was never a nesting season in the past that one has neglected to nest close to the house.  In Pop's shed one used to nest right on his work bench.  The pair of birds were never afraid of Pop and would feed their little ones even when he was just inches away.  Granddad's shed was used in the same way.  Now, the little ones nest right at my doorway and bring the same smiles that they always have.  This morning's call was loud and clear through the open window!  What a nice thing to have rouse you from slumber!

This little bird singing his morning song brought back a delightful little memory of when my own kids were small.  A pair of wrens had nested in my laundry room.  They had come in through the open back door and made themselves at home.  For the next several weeks, that back door had to stay open to allow Mama and Daddy Wren access to the outside.  This wren had no qualms about my kids climbing up on the dryer to visit her each day.  They would even "pet" the bird as she sat on her nest on the shelf above the dryer.  Once the baby birds hatched, the kids played with them most every day.  Mama and Daddy Wren would continue to feed their brood even to the point of perching on the kids' hands while they were holding the babies.  It was one big, happy family..humans and birds alike!  For months after the little birds "flew the coop", they would return to visit my kids.  The family of birds would sit on the porch railing and yell their "Teakettle" calls until the kids came out to play.  It always struck me as strange..yet sweet, that the birds bonded so well with the kids.  I am thankful for this since it did help establish a love of nature with my kids.

Sing on, Little Wren, sing on...I will never complain about you waking me.  I will never complain about you nesting on the potting shelf or even in my laundry room.  I will never complain about you being a part of my extended family!

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